Saved by Mr. Mask part 3 (Care Taker: Makoto Kagotsuchi

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Ok! part 3 the third and the final part of the request so let's all give those who requested a big round of applause: GMItaly, Raiayuki and Kenashiko_14!

*audience claps* 

Raiayuki thank you so much again for the lovely scenario, you rock! and with that further a do

*opens book* Ahem

Few minutes passed after the whole "Yomi being a jerk to Yuma arc thing", the poor boy fell asleep in Makoto's room while Makoto is at the side of the bed watching him, he felt bad for the little guy, I mean Yomi was being a rat, Yuma was crying when Yomi grabbed him, panicking calling for help, he even screamed, all of this just happened in an instant but something suspicious about his behaviour though, just then he heard a cute noise coming from Yuma, the amnesiac boy woke up with a cute yawn, after he rubbed his eyes he looked around him, he notice Makoto there with him however he doesn't seem scared of the mask though, he just look at him with curiousity. "hewo" Yuma said, "oh looks like the little cloud is awake." said Makoto then he notice a toy kangaroo on the ground, he picked it up and showed it to Yuma and said "Believe this belong to you." The amnesiac detective looked at the Kangaroo "Yammy!" said Yuma while making grabby hands for the toy, Makoto handed him the stuffed toy kangaroo, the detective hugged his toy like it's been missing he must of forgotten it was with him during the whole submarine incident *cough* Yakou didn't pay rent *cough*

Yuma looked at Makoto again, "who are you?" he asked, wait a minute he doesn't remember him, odd, Yuma just met the guy for like few minutes ago so I guess that makes sense, soon the lavender hair boy tapped the Mask Makoto is wearing.  Makoto thinking stopped when Yuma touched the mask "hmm? you mean this mask?" Makoto asked, Yuma kept tapping the mask, then Makoto told Yuma not to touch the mask, the purple hair boy didn't understand so he turned his head to his side, then Makoto had a fabulous idea *the light bulb blinked out but I came in and fixed it* there! Now where was I ahem *resume story*  Makoto told Yuma that his name is Mr. Mask and said that if he comes from a family who love to wear masks, then he told Yuma that if he takes off the mask then he will disappear.

Yuma is surprised of the story then stepped away from Makoto, the masked boy smiled, "it's ok you can come next to me just don't pull out my mask ok?" "O-okie." Yuma said, the room went silent for a moment until like only probably 10 seconds later while Yuma was playing with his toy Makoto asked "hey would you like something to eat? I can make cookies." Yuma lit up when Makoto mentioned the whole cookies, he nodded with excitement. Makoto and Yuma went to the kitchen and so they start making the cookies, and they did it glamorously you know  without the whole cooking show thing *Cough* Yakou and Desuhiko *cough* birthday cake, anyway they were having fun but unfortunately while helping Makoto with the cookie baking, Yuma burnt his hand, the poor bean was crying so thankfully Makoto patched it up and the burn wasn't really serious, the best part is that the cookies are ready, the duo enjoy uncle Makoto's world famous chocolatey cookies, it was delicious.

"Yummy!" Yuma said, Makoto is happy that Yuma loves his cookies, after they finished eating the cookies, the masked man and Yuma have a bath together (and yes they're still wearing their clothes on!) The two are having fun splashing each other like in a community public pool, Yuma played with the bubbles in the tub, he even made a bubble snowman.

Random Person in audience: uh, is that possible?

Me: of course it's possible, anything is possible with the power of imaginative story making. anyways

So after the bath, Makoto and Yuma are dried up and now in cute comfy pyjamas, the masked man is reading Yuma a story about cute little rain clouds who causes a storm over the world and a little boy helps cheer them up,  "and so the boy and clouds became friends and they lived happily ever after, the end." he closed the book and looked at Yuma who is asleep while hugging his stuffed Kangaroo, Makoto smiled at the sight of the adorable cutie and soon felt tired and fell asleep too, Shinigami adored the sight of her master and his new friend and after a while shinigami too fell asleep as well. 

The End

Hey guys, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for neglecting this book, there was shift in interest and sorta of a motivation loss for this.  for those who have been waiting for soo long, here is the last part of this request. Thank you Raiayuki for the Caregiver Makoto scenario, again I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting and I hope you guys enjoy.

Stay safe and Kawaiii guys

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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