chapter one.

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Carla tried so hard to be a nobody, but no matter how hard she tried, she was always a somebody to a certain man. she always meant something to someone and she hated it. she hated him for making her someone. but it wasn't always like, she didn't always mean something to him and she didn't always hate him for it.

5th of December 2011.
Carla sat on the wall outside the apartment complex she lived in, her recently rolled blunt in one hand and phone in the other. she stared at the phone call coming in from Brixton prison, sighing and ignoring it completely. she switched her phone off and slipped it into her pocket as she put her blunt to her lips and took a long pull. Carla was the youngest of three, she had two older brothers to which one had just been sent to prison and the other been in there for the past few years. her dad was never in the picture and her mother was always too drunk to put food on the table. Carla didn't go to school for the most of it, she was always too busy working to try and eat something or she was way too busy drinking her thoughts and feelings away. When Carla was at school, she was never popular, and she liked to keep it that way, no one barely noticed she was there, not even teachers, so it was never a big deal when she stopped showing up.

The thing with Carla was, she was always too high nowadays to give a shit about where her life was going, she had a small flat and was doing okay for money, she made sure to keep her hygiene well but that was bout it. beside all of that she was nothing. nobody to no one. The only thing keeping her going right now was the way her eyes fell into a certain heaviness she always loved and the way her body relaxed on its own. she let out a long and tired sigh before she stood up and started to walk around. this is what she liked to do, get fried and go for a walk, it gave her exactly the right amount of thinking space she needed, and it got her steps up, so that's a bonus.

Many people would say that she simply just doesn't take care of herself, but Carla liked to think she did, she ate enough and showered every day when the water wasn't turned off because she was late on paying the bill. her teeth were perfectly clean and she always had clean and tidy clothes, so fucking what if she got fried or drunk every day? no one even noticed her so it never even crossed a thought in her mind that people cared. she wasn't the girl that you stopped to stare at in the street, or the girl that you would go up to and ask for her number, she was the opposite, she was the girl you barged past in the street without saying sorry or the girl you didn't bother to look twice at. but she didn't mind that, that's how it always had been and that's how she hoped it would always be.

Carla was a naturally beautiful girl, she had long, black, silky hair that was up to her ass, her face was symmetrical and her eyes were a dark blue color. she had naturally long and curly eyelashes and her lips were decently sized with her cupids bow being more rounded than defined, her nose was small and fit her facial features and her eyebrows were perfectly upkept, but she did that one herself. she took another pull as she walked through the market lazily, watching over everyone and what they were doing with extra details. 

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