Face to Face

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Everything went black and when Harry opened his eyes again he was in a room behind vine bars...


Adrian stared at the letter as his plants reached out to take the food pellets in his hand. He only looked away when he felt a vine wrap around his pointer finger. At first he thought it wanted another food pellet, but then his wand squeezed his wrist a little more as if to give a hug.

"I'm ok ... I just ... I need to see him face to face." Adrian said as he stood up. His thumb gently stroked the plant's vine. "I'll be right back." He said gently and the little vine finally let go to go back in the greenhouse.

While he did plan to leave right away he wanted to do something first. That was simply making breakfast for everyone. Of course, he intended to be back before they woke up, but the yummy smells made for an effective alarm.

A naked Draco came out of the bedroom with a limp in his step, "Where are you going?" He asked while cheekily stealing the first kiss of the morning just as Tom and Percy came out.

Tom twitched at Draco's audacity and limped noticeably faster than before, "What's wrong?" He asked and blushed when Percy chuckled in amusement at the dark lord's slightly jealous action.

Adrian gave Percy a kiss as he showed them a letter from Gringotts, "Harry Potter was arrested on July 31 at 4:00 in the morning-"

"About 24 hours ago?!" Draco gasped, rather shocked at the delayed notice.

"Henry and William take their security seriously. We were all basically on lockdown." Adrian said and he blushed slightly when recalling the birthday. "Even though he was caught quickly it was probably best not to lower their guard. Besides, he had a decent number of people following him and Maze was badly wounded so all of that had to be taken care of first before telling us."

"Following?" Tom asked curious about the wording. Adrian simply gave him the letter and he actually laughed. "Sounds like he tried to do what I did, but his discount Death Eaters weren't up to the job." He said, pleased that the brat that hurt Adrian finally seemed to be hit with some well deserved karma. "Are you going to take RazorBlood's offer? There's really no need to meet him." Tom remarked, trying to not sound as concerned as he was, but he wasn't fooling anyone.

Adrian nodded, "I want to have a word with him." He said as he went to the bathroom to pick up his Gringotts mask that hid all his scars and slightly changed his face slightly to help hide him.

When in the house he never really wore it anymore and with Harry arrested there's no reason to hide so it only seemed right that it was returned to the goblins. The appearance of the scars themselves didn't bother him so he didn't need it now. For a second he even thought about returning the medical orbs too, but that may never happen. After all, the curse was still on him even though the one who gave it to him was caught.

Draco frowned, "We'll come with you."

Adrian shook his head with a short laugh, "You guys came with me yesterday." The fact it took a second for even Percy to get the perverted joke just confirmed that his lover's were still quite tired. Plus, they were limping so he wasn't going to have them join him. "You guys should rest. RazorBlood said he could only get me a few minutes alone with him before the trial starts so I don't think you can come in with me anyway, but that doesn't matter ... I intend to simply floo there and back. With the trial being soon I can drop you off after if you want, Tom." He said, revealing that he intended to go get his gloves and shoes designed for floo travel in his hand.

Tom gave a soft smile, "That'll work for me." He said liking that Adrian would offer to return for him. It also meant less walking, which would be nice considering how sore he was.

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