Sweet & Spicy

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Harry was 17. He was free to use magic and ready to put everyone in their places ...


Petunia smiled warmly as Maze walked in, "We're having an early start to Harry's birthday since it's an extra special day." She explained as she set up some more birthday decorations.

"It is a special day." Maze agreed, though he was far more nervous than he let on. "Remus will be here tomorrow and Sirius will be released tomorrow afternoon."

"That's perfect timing!" Petunia exclaimed cheerfully and a timer went off.

Dudley came into the room, "I think they're done!" He exclaimed as he checked on a sheet of cookies in the oven. "My first time trying this recipe. I hope Harry likes it." He said and Maze helped decorate the cookies with red and gold sprinkled.

Petunia chuckled, "Oh I think he'll love them. I had to shoo him out of here when I found him looking in the oven a few minutes ago." She said with a laugh.

This was the day before Harry becomes an adult. Maze had to be on guard and he thought he was. As the little party was going on Maze kept an eye on Harry.

To anyone else it was a casual little pre-birthday party with family. It was expected to be a bigger bash tomorrow since Harry will have all his friends there too. Even Maze thought it was very pleasant and he almost forgot why he was nervous before. Until Harry helped Petunia make some tea and the young wizard specifically offered Maze a pre-prepared cup.

Maze noticed was pouring out the other drinks and was immediately suspicious, but took the cup anyway, "Thanks, Harry."

"No problem. I'm not that big of a troublemaker like before." Harry commented and went back to chat with Vernon.

Once Harry turned around Maze vanished the tea in the cup. He pretended to sip from the cup when Harry looked over. The green eyes were unreadable, but Maze was sure he managed to avoid some trap.

From then on the Auror was more alert ...


Percy twitched in amusement when he heard Adrian reading out loud from the Goblin Global. The goblin run newspaper got early results and the article was about Tom becoming the next minister. Not that anyone was surprised, but it was exciting news nonetheless. So exciting, in fact, that they decided to celebrate.

Tom pulled out a special bottle of wine, "Nothing wrong with starting the party early."

Draco chuckled, "We'll have all night and all day tomorrow so let's not get too crazy too quickly. Percy, you're going to check the shop afterwards, right?"' He asked, taking note of the metal beasts patrolling outside before closing the curtains.

"I decided not to." Percy said and promptly sat in Adrian's lap. "Fred and George can do that." He commented playfully as the wine was poured.

Not long after that all the wine and dinner, the clothes came off. Whether it was relaxing, reading or cuddling with Adrian, the clothes mostly remained off except for an apron for the one who was cooking and dessert.

Dessert was 'served' at midnight. Just before that Adrian was told to stay in the bedroom for a few minutes. When he came out it was time to celebrate his birthday.

Adrian's eyes widened at the truly scrumptious sight before him, "So ... You're the dessert." He said and his cock twitched at the sight.

Decorated in various warm charmed sweet drizzles, Adrian's three naked lovers presented themselves ...

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