Chapter 64: Deathwish

Start from the beginning


"Is this a last meal kind of situation, Mr Malfoy? Fattening the goose before slitting its throat," said Sarah as she sat down, followed by the other two at a long table, capable of holding around thirty places, and there were two chairs on either ends, hers was on the side and facing a fourth chair, now realizing since it was August, Draco might join them, too.

Lucius let out a snicker like it was involuntary then scoffed, "Still no tact, miss McCauley."

Sarah nodded, faking compassion for his behavior, "I do apologize for my lack of diplomacy, it must have lingered back in your dungeons."

He shook his head and visibly chose to dismiss her comments, but there was a small vein growing by the second, she took it upon herself to find out if it could explode.

"This is no last meal, miss McCauley, worry not. We are aware of your...situation," he exchanged a look with his wife who was sipping on her glass of wine silently. "There is no interest in your distress while Mr Potter is still unfound. Though, he ought to be found very soon," he lifted his glass of wine and gestured to his wife before he took a sip.

"Father, do you reckon-" Draco walked in and then froze when he saw Sarah, he didn't know she was here.

"Draco," hissed his Father, "We have called you over for dinner ten minutes ago."

"Olga did, and I told her I'd be a bit late," Draco frowned at his father and approached the table warily. "What is she doing here?"

"She's a guest," said his mother, held out a hand to usher him to his seat.

Draco still looked confused and didn't seem to even consider moving. Sarah rolled her eyes, "Would you relax? I'm not here to discuss a marriage proposal."

Draco's mother muffled a chuckle with her wine and he frowned although the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Why is she a guest?" he still asked suspiciously as he approached the table and took his seat.

"They're trying to pretend they haven't been holding me hostage since the first of August," said Sarah pointedly.

The Malfoys exchanged some annoyed and uncomfortable looks while Olga and a couple other witches walked in and set plates before them. Sarah was really suspicious, tried to observe if there was a pattern in the plates being set on the table, if only hers were poisoned or something and she wasn't the only one without tact because Lucius said suddenly, "If we wanted you dead, miss McCauley, we wouldn't have gone through the trouble of this dinner. A simple curse while you were sleeping would have sufficed."

Sarah dropped the fork on her plate and her head snapped towards him, "Yes. Do explain. Why did you go through the trouble of this dinner?"

Lucius straightened his back and slowly lowered his fork as well, wiped his mouth and looked at her expressionless, "We believe the situation deserves to be discussed at least once civilly. Amongst ourselves, surely we can understand each other-"

"Ourselves?" she interrupted, now squinting at him, having caught some kind of hidden meaning behind that.

"Respectable wizards and witches, holding the same...values," he explained and it was all she could do not stab him with her fork.

"You either mean Pureblood or you are as stupid as a troll for thinking I share any kind of value with you," spat Sarah in an instant and Lucius slapped his fist on the table, made Draco look down immediately but it left her unfazed, she didn't respond well to violence.

She glanced in front of her at Draco and although he was looking down, the corner of his mouth curled up. Like he was enjoying seeing his father getting frustrated like this.

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