Questionable Acts

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Days went by, and the assault on Hermione went unreported and (so far) unavenged. Draco and Crabbe had kept their distance, but Harry and Ron could tell by their contemptuous glances that they were planning something to get them back for their embarrassment. Things would come to a head, and soon. Possibly a deadly one. No longer inexperienced wizards, they all knew a litany of spells and hexes and curses that would maim, scar, and even kill.
They pondered it all silently as the three of them walked down to Hagrid's cottage for class.
Hagrid greeted them in his big yard, as usual, but looking quite different this day. His beard, normally unruly, was brushed long and clean; his hair was slicked back with some substance that looked like clear mud. Even his clothes looked new or freshly mended.
The class gathered slowly in front of him, some of them giggling at his appearance.
"Afternoon, kids. Good to see you all." he said, although his gaze stayed on a certain female student.
"Why so spiffy today, Hagrid?" Ron asked.
"Oh, er...just thought I'd clean up a little. I er tired of the rough look sometimes, ya know?"
he said.
"We'll I think you look handsome, Hagrid." Hermione said. A few girls snickered.
Hagrid blushed deeply, wringing his hands.
"Ah, thank ya Hermione." he said.
Harry stepped up. "So, er...what are we doing today, Hagrid? Going to a fancy dinner?"
Hagrid coughed.
"No, uh..we're goin' into the woods to look for some truffles. I've run out, and the hogs love 'em. I thought it'd be a good lesson on how to find 'em."
The class murmured.
"Into the woods...truffles.." Harry said.
"Yah. It'll be fun. Gather up, kiddos. Stay together. I don't have to remind ya how dangerous it can be in the forest."
Everyone gathered together doubtfully, following the big man down the trail into the forest, Harry and Ron and Hermione in the lead. Harry thought he had seen Draco far in the back, but couldn't be certain.
They passed into the trees, some of them tall and old and as wide as houses at their base.
Unknown animals hooted and yowled from up in their high branches.
Ron elbowed Harry.
"I don't know if this is a good idea, mate."
"We'll be fine. We've been in here plenty of times."
"All these wild animals around? Plus, what if Draco tries somethin'?"
"Then we'll be ready." Harry said, patting the wand in his breast pocket.
"I dunno. We won't get much help from Hagrid. He's all romanticized about you know who."
Harry looked at him.
"Who are you talking about?"
"Hermione, you twit."
"What? Be serious."
"I AM being serious. You haven't noticed, mate? The way he looks at her?"
"No way. He's like a hundred years old."
"Look how he's acting bruh. Look how's he freakin' dressed for Pete's sake."
"Jesus. What's he thinkin'?"
"Same thing we all are, Harry. That Hermione grew up over the Summer. She's a total babe now."
Hermione butted in between them.
"What about me? I heard my name."
Ron coughed.
"Oh nothin', we were talking' about how good you were doin' in Potions."
"Really?" she beamed.
"Uh, yuh."
She hugged Ron from the side, her boob pressing into his chest.
"Aw thanks guys! I knew you would be proud of me."
"Of course." Harry said.
Hagrid stopped by a huge Oak up ahead.
Everyone gathered up to him in a slow semi-circle.
"Now, ahem, this is a good a spot as any to start lookin' for the truffles. You'll know 'em by their pale yellow color, and slightly bulbous shape. Whoever can find me three of 'em wins 100 points for their house. Whaddya say?"
Murmurs around.
"A'right. Let's split up and get huntin'. Remember, stay in groups, and don't approach any strange animals."
Slowly everyone formed into their own little pockets of friends and began to cast about doubtfully around the trees.
Harry, Ron and Hermione stayed together and walked East a ways, into a gloomy gap between big hedges.
Hermione looked intently around the bases of the ancient trees, stopping to sift through dead leaves and moss.
Harry and Ron stood watchful.
"You guys gonna help? These things are rare and hard to spot." Hermione said.
They looked at each other, silent.
"What's going on?" she asked.
"Hermione. We...uh..."
"What? What's wrong?"
"We hafta be careful out here. Draco could be lurkin' about." Ron said.
"That evil jerk? Why would he..."
"You know why. He wants to get us back."
"But he's the one who attacked us!"
"Doesn't matter." Harry said. "You know how he is."
Hermione balled her fists.
"So we're just gonna stand out here in the woods, too afraid to move? How are we going to find the truffles and win the points?"
"Ah screw the points." Ron said.
She glared at him harshly.
Harry stepped in.
"Hermione, he's right. We can still help you look around but we've also gotta be smart about it. It's isolated out here. It'd be a perfect spot for that bastard to sneak attack us."
"God! I hate him!" she yelled.
"Yuh, we all do."
She walked away to a nearby tree, pulling at the weeds and leaves around it furiously.
Harry and Ron shrugged, and followed her.

Hagrid Loves HermioneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin