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The next morning students roamed the halls, yawning and filing into classrooms one by one. Professor Snape's Botany class filled up faster than the rest, everyone in their seats and quiet under his cool gaze from behind his old black podium.
"Welcome back, young Wizards, to another year of Botany and the Use of Magical Plants and Herbs. Some of you have a lot of improvement due.." he glanced at Ron. "just know that this year we will be dealing with several dangerous strains of..." he droned on in his nasally voice.
Hermione sat ramrod-straight and attentive. A few boys around her giggled and pointed at her new assets, but quickly stopped when Snape turned his gaze toward them with one eyebrow cocked.
"Hello, Miss Granger." he said. "It seems you've arrived back this year with a swollen...sense of purpose."
"Oh yes, Professor. I'm fully ready to do my best." she said.
Snape cast one more confused look at her chest and walked away. More giggles commenced but Hermione was oblivious to them. Only Harry seemed to be angered by the attention towards his friend. A bit of jealousy, maybe.
Upon the Professor's direction they broke up into groups and began sorting herbs to boil. Hermione was joined by a flustered Harry and Ron.
"So are you boys clear on what we have to do?" she asked.
"Of course, we're not daft." Ron said. "Hand me that beaker."
Hermione leaned over the table to retrieve the beaker when her left boob knocked over the Bunsen Burner.
"Oops! Stupid things. I've been knocking things over all Summer."
" you've realized that they've..grown?" Harry asked, his face reddening.
"Notice? Of course I noticed! I've had to buy like two new brassieres in two months!"
"What color?" Ron asked.
"Ron!" Harry yelled.
"Black I think. And the one today is like a sheer purple. It was the only other one in my size."
"What? He asked. What's the big deal?"
" see-through?" Ron asked.
Harry knocked over a bowl of herbs.
"Can we just focus on the experiment please?"
"You guys are acting weird." she said.
She began pinching some leaves into a mortar bowl, Ron and Harry helped in grim silence, stealing glances at her new bosom.
Ron stopped. "Don't your nipples show? If it's see-through?"
"Jesus, mate!"
"Come on! It's distracting!"
Hermione slammed the bowl down.
"I can't help it! I didn't fertilize them you know. And for your information, the purple hides the pink, mostly."
"Your nipples are.."
"Pink? Duh. Aren't yours?"
Harry got up.
"Will you guys please stop talking about this!"
"Where are you going, Harry? We have to finish the experiment!" Hermione said.
"To the loo. I've got"
"Yeah hurry up. I've gotta pee too." Ron said.
"God, we're never gonna get done with this if you two can't focus."
Harry left, walking a bit funny.
Ron and Hermione sat in silent and worked on the experiment.
Within a few minutes they had the concoction boiling. They say back and watched the water bubble.
Ron cleared his throat.
"Please don't ask me anything about my boobs." Hermione said.
"Uh, I wasn't. I was know...wondering if the bra came in a set?"
"A set?"
"You know, with matching bloomers."
"Are you asking if my underwear is see-through too, Ronald Weasley?!"
"Well...yeah. You brought it up. It's your fault."
"God. Are you two gonna be like this all year just because I gained a little weight in places?"
Ron didn't answer.
"I'll tell you, but that's the last of it. No more about my under-clothes, ok?"
"Yes, ok."
"No they didn't have a set. I had to buy a few thongs that were a size bigger than last year."
Harry came back and sat down, his face oddly peaceful."
He patted Ron's back.
"Your turn, mate."

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