Friends and Enemies

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The next day.

A faraway bell tolled, signaling the change between classes. Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked together chummily along a walkway outside. They exchanged jokes and playful punches, and things fell back into rhythm and comfort like they had been over the last 6 years. Owls flew overhead, silhouetted in the afternoon sun.
The trio passed through a courtyard, still giggling and oblivious to everyone else. Which is why when Draco and Crabbe stepped out from behind some stairs with wands ready, they were caught off guard.
"STUPIFY!" they yelled in unison, and Harry and Rob both fell hard to the walkway, as stiff as twin planks.
Hermione, too concerned for her stricken friends, never drew her wand to defend herself.
Hermione was instantly lifted, her wand fell from her robes and clattered to the ground.
"What are you doing?!" she screamed.
"Shut up, bitch." Draco hissed. He maneuvered his wand to spin Hermione into place, then split her robe and shirt open down the front, saying "Diffindo!"
Her boobs sprang free, bouncing to rest.
Draco and Crabbe stood mesmerized, their eyes big as saucers.
"Jaysus, look at 'em." Crabbe whispered.
"You jerks! I hate you!!" Hermione screamed.
"Oh don't act like you don't like it, Mudblood! You've been prancing around ever since you got back, showing your goods off to your two buddies every night! Well now it's our turn to see!"
Draco sneered and licked his lips.
"Now let's see that bush..."
"You sure, Draco? People may be watching us.." Crabbe said.
"Shut up and keep a lookout. I'm gonna spread this bitch like a carpet."
Draco flicked his wand at Hermione's suspended body, stretching her limbs out painfully.
"Now, let's see that stinky hole that your buddies are poking every.."
A hex hit Draco, he fell to the ground in a shower of sparks.
"RON!" Hermione yelled.
Ron had awoken and was on one knee, his wand pointed at Crabbe like an accusing finger.
"You fucked up this time, you bloody bastards." he said through clenched teeth.
Crabbe fired a Fernunculus Curse at Ron, missing his head barely.
Ron didn't miss, screaming "BOMBARDO!"
An explosion ripped the air, and Crabbe flew through the air smoking like a cigar.
"Ron get me down!" Please!"
Ron lowered her slowly into his arms.
Hermione clutched him tightly.
"Harry get up, mate."
He poked Harry with his shoe, who groaned and sat up slowly.
"Wh-what happened?" he asked.
"Draco tore her clothes off."
"That fucker. I'll kill 'im."
"Later, mate. The Professors are coming."
Harry grimaced, gritting his teeth hatefully.
"Every time, they get away with it!"
"Not this time." Ron said.
Hermione whimpered, Ron placed her feet on the ground with care and steadied her.
"I'm tired." she said.
"Okay. Okay. Let's go, Harry. We gotta take her to her room."
They walked away, Harry staying a moment to look for the two attackers. His wand creaked in his hand as his fist tightened and loosened, tightened and loosened.

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