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So, I posted a few minutes ago about some updates while I've been on break. I mentioned being in a hospital and then having a weird af dream.

But I thought I would give some info about the hospital part..

So, after I had posted about taking a break and stuff, I was REALLY struggling with my mental health. Like REALLY struggling.

I started having Sui**dal thoughts and SH thoughts.

So, I decided to post a little goodbye kind of thing, thanking everyone on here who had made my life so much better.

The next day, the thoughts had started to get even worse, and I couldn't handle it anymore.

Listen, I know I'm all happy, and whatever all giggles an shit on here, but I was struggling.

But, I had decided to try and take my own life by overdosing on all sorts of  medication without reading labels and warnings blah blah blah.

Once I went to bed that night, I had stopped breathing completely.

The next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance truck. I couldn't hear nor see anything.

But I knew that I was alive.

I started panicking, I felt the small but rough movement of people doing whatever.

Then everything went dead again.


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