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Onika Maraj:

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Onika Maraj:

It took me forever to get up and start a new day cause my headspace was just filled with memories from yesterday. I asked my mother to drop me off at work today and thank god she did.

But once I arrived at work I was the only person at the moment there with my boss, it's not like I care cause some associates don't interact with me they just tend to talk about me.

I decided to walk my way to my boss's office while the coast was clear. I work at a small restaurant as a hostess which seems easy but not really when you have a bunch of crackheads and attention seekers.

I pushed the door softly hearing it creek open and saw my boss, Ms. Valerie she's an angel from Earth.

"Good morning Ms. Valerie!" My voice speaks as I see her expression become cheerful rather than bored we embrace a hug too.

She took some steps back to give me some space. "Good morning Nicki, I'm so glad you are here!"

"Thank you, ma'am." I share a smile popping my dimples out before asking a question.

"Miss, did you get any updates on orders?"

"Yes they finally fix the damn thing last night, I was about to go reckless if they didn't cause today is one of our busy days and it would be terrible without it."

I laughed at her worries she was a workaholic but that is what makes her, her.

"Well, I'm going get settled up for today have a good day valerie!" I waved off to her and she did the same thing back then it was time for me to leave the scene.

The sun was starting to hit so I knew it was time to start the day since there were still no customers or staff members I cleaned the tables off and waited for some motion.

                                      𝟏𝟏:𝟏𝟑 𝐀𝐌

It wasn't even noon yet and I was already feeling overworked by everyone around me I felt everyone was depending on me to do almost everything in there.

𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐂𝐇 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 • 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐀 (on hold!!)Where stories live. Discover now