17. Stimulation*

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— March 31st, Year 784  [ 22:00 hr. ]

The towering six-foot eight-inch figure phased into the room, superimposing itself over a virtual-presence bot. Two seconds later the ankle-length black cassock with the tell-tale carmine-red diamond and wide band that ran down the middle of its back — the unmistakable identifier of this, the Supreme Ancient — flexed, to fully engage with the virtual-presence bot. The cassock softly swished as he approached the medical team awaiting him.
As always, he wore his hood pulled far over his face, remaining hidden in perpetual shadows. Only the occasional glow of blue nanite trails, and flashes of light reflecting in his eyes provided evidence of the human presence within.

"Your Eminence!" the two diminutive doctors placed their palms together and bowed deeply.
He acknowledged their reverent greeting with a hint of a nod and stepped up to the medical bed where Alpha 4 lay, unmoving, and completely unclothed, bathed in the warm red of heating lights. There he pressed his gloved hand against the bed rail to confirm — by the resistance he felt through the gossamer thin holo gloves — that the 'level 15', complete-physical-presence, holo link had fully engaged. Glancing down at the nude woman, who looked to be sleeping peacefully, his hood turned towards the pint-sized females. "So, doctors, what appears to be the problem with our little 'Holy Grail'?" his baritone resounded.

Dr. Nakamura gave a nod and piped "Do you see here, your Eminence?" she pointed at the large 3D holo cube display of a brain and several additional 2- and 3D cross sections that hovered above the center of the medical bed. "Physiologically she is completely normal, and her lower brain functions are in fact surprisingly active given her hibernative coma state. — But we are unable to incite her higher functions into actually engaging. Her mind is in a pre-dream state, but it will not ...rouse."
There was a pause. "And the normal protocols that have worked for the others only seem to taunt her," Nakamura added in a contrite tone and swallowed hard.

Unseen by the doctors the man inside the hood winced, recalling once again the disturbing conversation he'd had with Professor Phlox some five years prior. The hood slowly moved and fixed upon the woman's face.
He had not seen her in person since that fateful day ten years ago, when his hand had become pinned to her frozen, lifeless body. Reanimation had restored her blood flow; and her complexion, though still pale, looked a lot more appealing than when she had been a mere cryonic corpse. A glance at her neck confirmed that the puncture wound made by the broken sarcophagus tube had been healed without leaving any trace on her. — He still bore a barely noticeable spot of skin discoloration where the tube had rammed through his hand.

Finally he jutted his hood towards the medical consoles, and Nakamura who had stood waiting gave a nod. Phelps, assisting her, set the stimulation sequence in motion. Lights, puffs of warm air, and energy pulses activated, rippling across the bare woman's body, stroking and flicking over various erogenous zones. All eyes stared at the holo cube above the center of the bed.

Within mere minutes the woman's lips slightly parted, taking in little breaths of air, and her heart rate monitor displayed an increased pulse rate. In the hovering 3D display of Alpha 4's brain, an occasional tiny spark blinked in and out, like distant fireflies on a summer night field.

After a while, on Nakamura's nod, Dr. Phelps triggered the next phase and a robotic arm moved between the woman's legs. Its vibrating extension started to pulse against Alpha's flesh and the comatose woman almost immediately began sucking in air in staggered little gasps as her head ever-so-slightly tilted back.
Ignoring the exposed woman before him, his attention remained fixed on the overhead monitors, where the lone sparking in Alpha 4's brain had expanded to a smattering in a slow but steady pace.

"As you can see, she responds remarkably fast and achieves high levels of arousal with above average speed," Dr. Nakamura commented, highlighting the accelerated vital signs, and pointing at small areas of the brain that were faintly pulsing with glimmer.
"We can even bring her to ecstasy — and rather easily actually." Nakamura motioned to her assistant, and Phelps activated the vibrator's gentle probing, starting with an easy, invasive thrusts. Neither of the doctors were aware of the deep frown that creased the hooded figure's brow.

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