La seine

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NOTE: AGAIN NOT THE DEPUTY, I'm writing this as if joseph never had a wife and child. so he hasn't murdered his baby-

You were sat up in bed cradling your baby boy. You had decided to name him Ethan, Your dads name before he passed. He was The bringer of joy and looked so much like his father, Ethan would be a leader one day. You were sure of it. You were humming a song to him, rocking Ethan backwards and forwards, When you here the door open, Joseph walks in and sits on the end of the bed. He turns around looking at you and moves close to you and plants a kiss on your forehead. 'How is he?' joseph asks rubbing his finger along, Ethan's cheek, ' He's alright, Been asleep for a few minutes.' You reply, Then get up and put Ethan back into his crib, you rub your eyes then sit next to joseph. ' we have a busy day ahead of us. ' joseph says to You with a small sigh as you place your head on his shoulder. ' its okay, I'll probably go down to John's ranch while you have your meeting with him and Jacob, see what his VIP's are up to  and make sure everything's okay up there.'  Joseph nods and reply's, ' alright, ill send some of Jacob's soldiers to guard you and Ethan. ' you move your head and kiss his cheek, and get up to go get ready. 

you walk down the stairs, Holding Ethan in your arms. You walk over to the cupboard and grab his formula, placing it into you rucksack. You walk over to your assault rifle and pick it up putting the strap over your shoulder and pushing it to be on your back. You the walk back over and try your best to use one hand to zip up your bag. After a good few minutes trying to zip it up you manage to do it, you pick it up and, walk to the front door, you drop your bag and turn off the lights, then pick it back up and walk out the house. You see joseph talking to a group of Eden's gate members and walk over to him and ask, ' you ready to go? ' he looks over to you and nods, and sends the others off. Joseph grabs your bag and puts in the boot of the car, You walk over to the car, open the door and place Ethan into his car seat. You buckle him in and kiss his forehead, which makes the baby laugh, you then close the door and get in the front of the car. Joseph then enters the car and starts it and drives to John's ranch. 


The brothers had left to go to Josephs bunker for a meeting about the deputy, You had met the Deputy a couple times. He had been rather nice to you even though you were both on different sides of this fight. You both saw eye to eye on a lot of things, strangely you both had stuff in common. but obviously very rarely talked because of the brothers, you talked to the Deputy when you would randomly see Him hiding in bushes or trying to spy on the Peggy's. which you did find very funny. 

You were talking to some of the Peggy's, walking inside of John's house with Ethan still in your hands. You had a few of Jacobs well trained wolves and soldiers at you side for if anything were to happen. John had made a room for the baby so you could go and do some things and leave Ethan there with the soldiers. which you did appreciate a lot. So you left Ethan in his crib with 2 soldiers guarding him. and wandered downstairs to hear someone playing a guitar, guessing to liven the mood. you walk over to the young boy and sit next to him. ' you play very well ' you compliment the young boy, ' thank you miss y/n, any requests? ' you think for a minute and say, 'do you know the song La seine? ' He nods and starts strumming the music on his guitar. When he gets to the right part you start to sing along, 

(this is the best part to turn on the music on YouTube and read along)
She's resplendent, so confident

La Seine, La Seine, La Seine
I realize, I'm hypnotized
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine

I hear the moon singing a tune
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine
Is she divine, Is it the wine
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine

I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are, La Seine and I
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are, La Seine and I

I feel alive when I'm beside
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine
From this angle like an angel
La Seine, La Seine, La Seine

I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are, La Seine and I
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are, La Seine and I

Upon the bridge
My heart does beat
Between the waves
We will be saved
The air we breathe
Can you believe?
Learn to forgive upon the bridge

That's how we are, La Seine and I
That's how we are, La Seine and I
That's how we are, La Seine and I
That's how we are, La Seine and I.

You sigh as he slowly stops strumming away on his guitar, you look up to see quite a lot of people clapping at you both for the great performance. ' Thank you for that, I haven't sang like that in a long time. ' you say smiling at the boy as you hug him. He smiles back and says, 'Anytime y/n' You stand up and go to help 2 of Eden's members who were hurt, you turn your head back to find the young boy gone. like he was never there. you shrugged it off like i was nothing and went back to help the others. 

After a few hours of helping the people, You start to hear some men shouting, after a minute of listening you hear. ' THE DEPUTY IS HERE, GRAB YOUR SHIT AND FIGHT. ' ' GO, GO! ' Your heart sank to your stomach as you see random people run into the ranch and start shooting at the Peggy's, You then feel tow arms grab you and pull you into one of the rooms in the house. You then look and see its the Deputy, 'I'm sorry y/n, but I need to do this, for the innocent.' He says then runs out of the room, locking you in. You couldn't get to the door in time before it got locked, you started screaming and banging on the door but it was no use. You then realise that Ethan is still upstairs, You start to panic as you hear the sirens start to sound, making you cover your ears. You start to cry, not knowing what to do. After a while every noise you could hear was slowly becoming more quite. You took some deep breathes and looked around you looking for a way to get out. You see a window, so you burst it open and throw yourself out of it. putting you on the upstairs balcony you run as fast as you can to the room Ethan was in, Hoping and praying that he was still alive. 

You tried to open the door but it was locked, Your motherly instinct's definitely  came through as with a few kicks at the door it burst open. You ran inside to see the soldiers that were supposed to be protecting your baby know where to be seen. but with all the blood on the floor you assumed they died. You quickly walked over to the crib that was in the corner to hear Ethan crying, he had some wounds on his small arms but you couldn't tell what they were from. You picked him up, shaking from panic that you just burst out crying. You started to sing to Ethan again trying to calm him and Yourself down. Singing the same song you sang with the boy, You then gasped when you realised that the moment the deputy had locked you in the room, he had the same scar on his face as the young boy you were singing with. You realised it was the Deputy, and here was there the whole time. Thats why he didnt kill you.  

A few minutes later you heard a few cars race into the property and park. You took a few deep breathes, and slowly walked out of the room walking down the stairs, You watch Jacob and John run after some of the resistance, as Joseph runs into the house and see's you, ' Oh y/n I'm so sorry. '  He then walks up to you and wraps his arms around your face hugging you and Ethan, You continued to cry into his shoulder, ' I saw him.. ' you say weakly, you continue to explain what happened. ' he was here the whole time. ' ' He let me sing with him..

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