down by the lake// John Seed x fem deputy PART 1

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you were up on top of a hill with boomer looking down onto the lake where the 'all mighty' john seed would try to wash away the sins of the innocent. You think they've done nothing wrong, but at the same time you think you've done nothing wrong so maybe they have, but in their eyes they're going to hell without their help.

Boomer started to growl as you see a van and a car pull up besides the lake, and the man himself gets out of the car as his Peggie's throw people out of the van onto the floor. 'Jesus.. There must be around 6 maybe 7 people there.' you sigh and grab your sniper and lay on the ground looking through the scope of the gun aiming it at Johns head.  

But suddenly you hear your radio start to make noise so you get it out of your duffle bag and turn the channels until you hear nick rye on the other side. 'y/n? y/n are you there.' nick says into his radio, 'Yeah Nick i am, what's up?' you say waiting for a response. 'we dont want you killing any Peggy's tonight, we've got a load of them down by falls end, dont want'em to try and take over.' You sigh and reply, 'fuck sake, yeah alright no need to worry ill be back soon to help deal with them, see you later' You turn your radio off and put it back into your duffle bag, looking back into your scope you see John pushing people under water and bringing them back to surface a few minutes later, they are mostly seen coughing and begging for mercy as they get thrown back into the vans. 'Fucking ass, aren't they boy.' You say to boomer as he barks back in approval. 

As the van drives away you see John and two of his 'guards' still out by the lake, you decide why not shoot at them when they've killed our people? so you aim at the Peggy to the left of John and shoot him in the head, making him fall instantly. John looks over but doesn't seen worried about it at all as he gets out his own radio and talks to someone for a good minute. He then turns to your direction and looks at you dead in the eyes. 'fuck' you say to yourself as you grab your radio again trying to find the channel to talk to nick again, but instead you hear, 'oh y/n, you are really trying to be a pain tonight aren't you.' You laugh to yourself as you reply, 'of course i am John, you wont see it every night, so make this one count.'

'then why dont you come down here y/n?' 

'no thanks, im good as far away from you as possible' 

'well, id look behind you if i were you' You could hear Boomer barking and growling at what was behind you, you curse under your breathe as you turn around and see 4 Peggy's  behind. 'go back to falls end boomer.' you whisper to him as he starts running off, one of the Peggy's tries to go after him but its useless, he's to fast to catch up with. as soon as try to shoot one of them you get hit in the back out of the head with a gun and pass out...

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