"Have you been sleeping?" Taehoon frowned as he noticed the bags under my eyes.

Knowing I couldn't lie to him, I simply averted my eyes from his.

"Come here."

I was startled when Taehoon grabbed me and yanked me into his arms, pulling me onto the surprisingly comfortable hospital bed.

"You're injured." I was careful not to touch the bandaged area but also worried I might accidentally hurt him.

Taehoon huffed in exasperation, "I'm fine."

I turned to face him and relaxed into his embrace, "Sorry.. it's just seeing you that injured I was really worried."

"I'm alright now." Taehoon comforted, running his fingers comfortingly through my hair.

I rested my head on the white fluffy pillow and sighed, feeling at peace for the first time in days.

The warm cocoon surrounding me made me feel sleepy as I started to fall asleep.

Taehoon smiled softly at me, "I'm right here and I'll be here when you wake up. Go to sleep."

I nodded sleepily and closed my eyes, allowing myself to succumb to sleep.


"You told him?!" Taehoon sighed in annoyance as he ruffled his hair, "No wonder he's been going around and skipping meals. He's on the hunt for Lee Jinho."

Hobin looked surprised.

It was then we overheard the cops conversation.

"Damn. This is giving me a headache." One of them sighed, "Do we still not know who did this?"

"Search all the surveillance cameras around here. Get them on the wanted list."

"Wanted list?" Hobin asked.

The cops turned to us, "What? You guys know something?"

We quickly denied it.

"My mum's calling." I made an excuse as Taehoon grabbed my arm and made me walk in the opposite direction from the police.

Hobin hurried after us, "What do we do now?"

"Shut up and walk." Taehoon responded nonchalantly.


"Did it work?" I asked Taehoon.

He sighed and rested his head against mine, "I think so."

"And he just let you go like that?" Hobin asked curiously.

Taehoon gave him a look as if to ask if he was stupid, "No. It's called making an escape plan."

The vehicle stilled a distance from the building.

"The drug deal's going to happen here?" I asked.

"That's right." The cop responded, "We obtained some info."

He grabbed his walkie talkie to instruct the other officers.

We snuck into the building quietly, the police man leading us with a gun in his hands.

It soon turned out to be a trap as a man leapt out from behind the boxes of drugs and attacked us.

It wasn't long before there was a whole group of men surrounding us.

Then the other teams must've run into them too.

I threw a kick at one of the men coming towards me.

There's so many of them.

"Goodbye now, Mr Detective." A man held a gun pointed at the officer, "I'll make use of this gun."

There were too many people, we couldn't get to him.

"If you want to arrest one, arrest one." Hansu showed up.

"What the fuck?!" Taehoon exclaimed.

So much for him getting the message and staying at home.

It's a good thing he turned up though.

Gaeul's dad also appeared and joined the fight, much to Hobin's surprise.


"I'm ashamed as a police officer but... I made it out alive thanks to you." He handed Hansu a hot drink as he thanked them.

They were interrogating the person who seemed to be in charge to find out Lee Jinho's location.

"Where do you think you're going? You two are under investigation."

We were startled as some men in suits turned up.

"I'm the detective in charge. What's this about?!"

"You're in charge? Have you not done a background check on them?" The man in the suit opened up some files, "Multiple records of infiltrating in North Korea and that man doesn't have a name that shows up on record."

This is suspicious, since we just found out where Lee Jinho is.

Does he have control of the police too?

We couldn't do anything else for now so we were sent home.


Hobin had got the plan started. After so long it was time.

Time to take Lee Jinho down once and for all.

He had Gyeoul and Wangguk scouting out the whole situation.

I signed and flopped down on the bed.

"Make yourself at home then." Taehoon deadpanned before shoving me over on the bed and lying down beside me.

I rested my head on my arms and turned to face Taehoon, smiling at him, "Says you. Always inviting yourself into my house."

"Shut up." Taehoon muttered tiredly as his eyes fluttered closed.

"I just want this whole situation to be over." I muttered worriedly, "It's naive of me to want no one to get hurt and everything to work out alright."

Taehoon stared at me silently for a moment, seeming to be in thought.

"I won't let anyone hurt you. Now be quiet. I want to sleep." Taehoon complained as he jokingly swatted at me.

I laughed quietly, "Alright. But don't hurt yourself either."

"No promises." Taehoon grumbled as he grabbed me and held me like a teddy bear.

I laid there comfortably in his arms as he fell asleep.

Much to my displeasure, I laid awake for a while, worrying about what was to come.

I didn't go off training while Taehoon was recovering for nothing, I'll protect him and make sure he doesn't get hurt like that again.

Although I know he's strong and can fight for himself.. I'll jump in front of a gun for him.


1454 words

A/n I don't have much time to write... see you next time (whenever that is 💀)

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