Ch.20 Slush Funds

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~Y/n pov~

Hobin had someone giving him information from the inside now.

But we also knew that Jinho had associated with people high up in politics.

It's just like last time.

We can just hope that we'll be able to compile enough evidence to go against both of them.

And hopefully, we can take down Lee Jinho once and for all.


Hansu had been a little less harsh on Taehoon since he found out what happened recently.

Although, Taehoon still refused to tell me some details.

I figured it was for the best and I shouldn't pry.

I was just happy that I could see Taehoon more often without having to sneak around.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if Hansu already knew we were meeting when he wasn't home.

There were only a few more days before Taehoon could go out again.

I had a feeling we'd discover something big soon.

My heart almost leapt out of my chest when Hobin came barging into the dojo making a racket.

"What are you talking about, Hobin?" Hansu asked, Taehoon was stood beside him as they both stared down at his kneeling form.

"Um.. about Taehoon being ground. I know that Taehoon's a bit bitchy and does what he wants when he wants." Hobin spoke as Taehoon glared angrily at him, "But he's a nice guy at heart."

"What's that bastard on?" Taehoon crossed his arms over his chest and continued to glare at Hobin.

"He ran away from home to help me and my friends. There's something else that needs to be set right. I know it's shameful to ask but I need Taehoon's help." Hobin bowed to Hansu.

"Of course you can't." Hansu replied immediately, "Especially if it's something dangerous."

"What else can I do if I can't protect my friends?!" Hobin cut him off, surprising Hansu.

"What?" He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Taehoon grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the two of them.

"But why are you two making such a big deal out of it? I don't plan to help." Taehoon stated nonchalantly.

"What? I didn't even think of that." Hobin sulked at Taehoon's answer.

"Wait. Did you ask anyone else?" Taehoon suddenly asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

He patted my head, pushing my head down jokingly.

"You're the first."

"Then, I'll help." Taehoon turned to shoo Hobin away, "Now leave."

There was a new flash on the tv, catching our attention.

"Lee Jinho did this.. right?" I turned to see Hobin's angered expression.

"I'm leaving." Hobin muttered quietly as he bowed stiffly at the door, closing it behind him.


I laid on the floor of the dojo, thinking about what Hobin had said when he came around earlier.

It feels like we've been chasing after Jinho forever.

Taehoon sighed and flopped down beside me, sweat glistening on his face as he picked up his towel and patted his face dry.

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