Ch.14 The storm

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~Y/n pov~

Hobin placed the recording device on the table as we listened to the conversation he recorded as evidence.

"I can't believe he recorded this. He has nerves of steel. It feels like just yesterday when Hobin was afraid of Pakgo." Snapper reminisced.

"Isn't this too little evidence?" Rumi asked as Gaeul sat in her lap.

"This is a comfortable place to sit." Gaeul decided.

"If you add the usb stick or whatever, isn't that enough?" Taehoon added as he laid on the sofa eating crisps.

The rest of us sat on the other sofa or on the floor in front of the sofa.

"We'll do it tomorrow." Hobin had a look of determination on his face, "We'll call out Lee Jinho."


"I'm really sorry.. I haven't done any livestreams lately."

The first thing Hobin did was apologise.

I wasn't there when they recorded and instead decided to stay home and watch from there.

Only Gaeul and Snapper need to be there for the recording and editing processes.

Taehoon leaned forward and rested his head against my shoulder, gazing at the phone screen.

I was sat comfortably between him legs as he leaned against the sofa.

"Today I'm going to expose a secret that's being kept hidden from the outside world." Hobin stated, "Everything I'm going to say now is one hundred percent true."

[ seriously, what is it? Lol ]

[ he seems super serious today ]

"I'm going to mention someone who is a popular but not very active Newtuber and tell you something that could even influence our national politics."

[ I think he's making a mistake ]

[ what's he talking about? ]

The livestream suddenly crashed and stopped working.

The message 'This account has been suspended' appeared on my screen.

They definitely know what he was going to say...

What's going to happen now?

I glanced at Taehoon with a nervous expression as I dropped my phone onto the carpet.

"We'll figure something out." Taehoon tried to reassure me after seeing my panicked expression, "I promise I'll protect you."

I was a bit doubtful after what happened last time but this time we'll be stronger and we won't be fighting Jinho alone.

Though we don't know how many people he has on his side and now he'll definitely try and get revenge on us.

Taehoon sighed and wrapped his arms around me, locking them around my waist as he leaned his weight on me.

I started to complain about his weight as he just laughed at me.

A small smile appeared on my face as I sunk into his embrace.

We've both got stronger so it'll be okay.

It has to be okay because I don't know what I'll do if it isn't...


Rumi sat on the desk in front of us, Hobin and Snapper sat beside me as we talked about what we should do during our break.

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