Trapped by the ocean scent - 02

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And with that the next day started. With the knowledge of Fuyuhiko being everyone woke up quite a bit more calm this time.

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

"Goooood morning everyone! It seems like today is going to be another perfect tropical day!" The morning announcement played

After L/N woke up he went through with his typical routine, after that he took his deck of cards and put on his suit jacket. When he left his room he was met with Hiyoko waiting for him.

"There you are finally, did you have any idea how long I was waiting for you!?" Hiyoko shouted at him

"Well if I would have known that you were waiting I would have quickened up my routine." L/N told her

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you something. Apparently there is a music venue at the third island will you come there after breakfast? We will have a little goodbye for Mahiru!" Hiyoko asked

"Of course I will be there." L/N told her

"And after that you two still have to watch my movie!" Monokuma appeared next to them

"What the heck!?" Hiyoko shouted

"Your... movie?" L/N asked

"Yeah, watching it is mendatory! If you don't come after your little party, you will be punished!" Monokuma exclaimed dissapiering

"And after that we can investigate the rest of the island..." L/N said

"Yeah sounds good!" Hiyoko shouted beginning to go to the hotel L/N not far behind her.


This time breakfast was far more calm then yesterday. Everyone grabbed their food and sat down.

"How about we talk about the most important findings of yesterday? Since two of us here couldn't even investigate the island yet." Chiaki said

"Of course there was Monokuma's dreadful movie, as boring as that was it still felt out of place!" Nagito exclaimed

"Then, of interest would also be the Motel! If we ever need to stay somewhere else then our rooms!" Gundham exclaimed

"Then of course there also was that strange information in the electric avenue." Sonia said

"You saw that too?" Hajime asked

"What 'strange information'?" L/N asked

"To sum it up, it talked about 'the tragic most awful incident in human history' and that it began... 'with the fall of Hopes Peak Academy'." Chiaki explained

"Hopes Peak, destroyed!?" Ibuki shouted

"I bet this is just another of Monokuma's pranks. Hopes Peak would never fall to despair!" Nagito said

"I see... anything else of notice?" L/N asked

"Oh, oh! A music venue the 'titty typhoon' was also on the island!" Ibuki exclaimed

"Thank you all then for summing up, Hiyoko and I will see ourselves what the third island has to offer." L/N said

And with that the first students had already finished their meal and left, L/N also did not take long because he was constantly reminded by Hiyoko to speed up, so they could go to the music venue. When they finally left they were joined by Ibuki and Chiaki and together they went to the music venue.

"Alrighty! Then let's begin!" Ibuki shouted

"No not yet, we still need to wait for the cameraman!" Hiyoko said and shortly after she said that Hajime entered the venue

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora