I've never felt more free.

"WHOO!" I say as Alejandro throws his head back laughing when I erupt in giggles behind him releasing my hands from his waist to throw them in the air I feel the breeze cool and support my rush.

Soon we make it to the parlor, getting off the bike we head inside discussing what flavor we are going to get sometimes I laugh as he tells me times when he and the boys went here and went to the park causing them all to throw up.

Entering the parlor I'm hit with a fresh smell of cotton candy and peppermint. Mint chocolate is my favorite. I've had ice cream before of course I'm not that inhuman but I only get mint chocolate chip because I know that's the flavor I've liked for a while and every time I'm able to get ice cream I get it because I always wonder if I'm ever going to have it again.

"One rocky large road and one medium mint chocolate chip please," Alejandro says to the person at the register. 

We head to a booth in the corner talking about his favorite ice creams and all the ones he hasn't tried including mine which is basically all of them except mint chocolate chip.

The waiter hands us our ice cream cones and we eat our dessert in silence until I spill a drop of ice cream on my shirt.

"Crap," I say trying to wipe it off with a napkin but it only makes the smudge bigger and some more of my ice cream drops on my pants. Great. 

Ale finally looks up from his ice cream cone which is already halfway done with his. He looks at my shirt sees my expression and starts laughing. Yeah real funny.

"Haha," I say failing to keep in the grin taking over my face. He tells me to wait there and grabs a bowl and spoon from one of the waiters and takes my ice cream cones before scooping it out in the bowl and handing it to me.

"Now you won't be able to spill it here." He says before taking my cone and biting it. I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"What you don't like the cone?"

"Ew no!" 

"Wow, have you ever tried or are you just saying that?" he asked raising his eyebrow at me accusingly.

"Yes I've had it before don't look at me like that," I said taking a bite of my ice cream.

"You're talking about me eating the cone when you bite your ice cream," he says letting out a scoff of disbelief before shaking his head and chuckling a bit as I laugh at him.

"Whatever, I'll be right back I have to go to the restroom," I say getting up before stopping short on the way. Wait. I told him I was going to the bathroom and I got up before even looking at his face. Shit, was I supposed to ask? I'm supposed to ask right? Ok just go over there and sit down then you ask- 

"Joder can you move your blocking the way?" I hear a deep voice rumble behind me in an irritated tone.

"Oh s-sorry," I say scrambling to move out of their way. I hear him scoff before brushing past me and into the men's restroom. He had on a dark brown hoodie, and black cargo pants with brown sneakers that matched his jet-black hair perfectly and I could tell by the accent he was Hispanic.

Why am I even thinking about him still? I clear my throat and make my way to the restroom before grabbing a paper towel and water trying to rub it off. I do as much as I can before walking out and running into someone.

The same guy from earlier.


"Oh, it's you again?" he says rolling his eyes clearly showing he hasn't moved on from 10 minutes ago. This guy sure knows how to hold a grudge.

"Hello to you too," I say muttering under my breath in a sarcastic tone.

"What?" he says raising his eyebrow in amusement. Wow, changes his emotions fast.

"Nothing I apologize for earlier now have a nice day," I say back with a fake smile that surprisingly hasn't been used in a while.

He hums still staring at me with a smirk on his face. Why am I not moving and more importantly why isn't he moving? 

It takes him a while before hanging his head chuckling a bit before turning to leave. What was that about?

I don't linger on it and make my way to the booth where I see Ale sitting down. He looks at my shirt and gives me a thumbs up to let me know I did a good job.

I eat the rest of my slightly melted ice cream before he leaves the cash on the table along with a tip and we head out.

"Did you have fun? I know we didn't do much but when we go out next time we have to go to an arcade or something more fun like bowling," he says.

"Yeah I had so much fun and I've also never been bowling before I went to an arcade once but only for like 20 minutes and I couldn't even play all the games there-." I stop short when I realize I'd been ranting but when I look up he's only grinning at me.

"What? Keep going what else haven't you done I'm keeping mental notes," he says tapping on his head as I laugh but continue anyway. 

Nobody has ever paid attention to me before them.

Maybe I am really home.


Thanks for reading I know I've been MIA but I had a lot of school work and tests to catch up on but I'll make it every Friday or if not then every other Friday. But thank you for the new followers and 600 readers!

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