Chapter 15- What's Athen-ing? (1/2)

Start from the beginning

"So, after a few extra hours of sleep, I've thought it over, and decided to forgive you for your mistake in leaving me behind, and have that be put behind us." Emma said to Mateo.

"Okay, that's sounds alright." Mateo said in a monotone voice.

"Because to make sure that doesn't happen again, I came up with a list of forty seven things that you can do to improve your image." Emma said as she got out a long piece of paper that had a list on it.

"Uh, okay?" Mateo said as he felt a little unsure of this.

"So one thing you must know is that the thing with being in a relationship, is that you have to find the balance between your space as a couple, and your space as an individual." Emma explained as she continued talking.

"Okay...could I at least sprinkle a bit of sugar on my pancakes?" Mateo asked Emma as she pointed to the shaker of sugar.

Emma wasn't listening as she was talking over Mateo. "Yeah, some names such as 'Sugar', 'Sweetie Pie', 'Honey Buns', are all good things to call your partner when you're dating." Emma explained with pride. "Of course, you don't have to call them that all the time, but it does make them feel more appreciative as an individual."

"Could we focus on something else? Like talking about coming up with a strategy?" Mateo asked as he felt a little annoyed by Emma's talking.

Emma still wasn't listening as she was continuing on talking over Mateo. "And another thing is that couples talk about loads of stuff, which shows how good they are at paying attention to their needs without any misunderstandings." Emma said with a smirk as she continued talking.

"Emma if you don't stop talking, I'm gonna have to start banging my own face." Mateo said as he was close to snapping.

"Yeah, that's another thing thing to consider, space." Emma said as Mateo then snapped and started to bang his own face with his plate, with Emma being too distracted to notice. "One thing to consider is that you give your partner just as much space to know that they are comfortable, and not feeling as though your partner is obsessed, or is too busy self centered to even notice you're there." Mateo then stopped before Emma could see him banging his own face. "Anyways, taking a break from that, what couple name do you think would be cute for us? Memma or Emteo?"

Mateo sighed as his expression turned back to a blank monotone one. "I think either of them would be fine." Mateo said calmly.

"Yeah, they both sound cute." Emma said with a smile. "But I think I'll go with my gut and pick 'Memma'."

"Cool, so, do you mind if I go and grab a book to read?" Mateo asked.

"Oh of course." Emma said with a smile as Mateo then quickly left.


"At this point, I'm officially starting to lose it..." Mateo said as he rubbed his eyes with his fingers and became annoyed. "I admit I haven't been the best boyfriend to Emma, and that she went through a lot when she was with Chase, but even though I try to improve myself, why does she just push it away and not focus on doing the same thing to herself as well?"


While Emma was alone, she then saw Julia walking up to her. "Hey Emma." Julia said as she tried to be friendly with Emma.

"No." Emma said as she crossed her arms and looked away from Julia.

"No what?" Julia asked Emma.

"No, you can't join me and Mateo's alliance." Emma said as she crossed her arms. "You'd be a third wheel, and we agreed to roll you and everyone else off the plane."

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