That's news to me. "You and Starfire have kids?"

"They're not my kids."


"Uncle Richard's home!" I heard two little voices. My brows shot up when two twin boys, around 5 years old, ran up toward Robin and tackled him to the ground. Robin laughed as the boys started talking over each other.

"Did you bring any new books?"

"Uncle Richard, I've been practicing that move you showed me."

"Uncle Richard, can you still help me with my homework?"

"Can we visit Daddy at work?"

"Yeah, can we visit Dad and Uncle Beast Boy and Aunt Star?"

"Uncle Richard?" I repeated.

Robin looked up and shrugged. "I can't exactly have them call me Uncle Dick without them laughing."

The boys finally noticed my and Bucky's presence. They gasped before getting off Robin and ran over to us. Questions started spewing out of their mouths. They didn't even give us enough time to answer.

"Who are you?"

"Who's he?"

"Are you Uncle Richard's friends?"

"Are you stupid? Uncle Richard doesn't have any friends!" Bucky snorted at the kid's comment.

"Then how do you explain them?"

"They could be his customers?"

The boys gasped when they saw Bucky's arm. They yanked his arm toward them with stars is their eyes. "Wow, is that a metal arm?"

"How did you get this?"

"What kind of material is this?"

"How do you even shower with this on?"

"Is there a way for you to detach it?"

"Does it get rusty after a while?"

"This is so cool!" The twins shouted before high-fiving each other. "Booyah!"

"Boys!" we heard a woman shout from behind. I'm not entirely sure who she is, but she has her hands full of grocery bags. She walked over and set them down on the counter. "Sorry, you know kids, they see something they like and they just have to touch it."

"Mom!" the boys whined

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"Mom!" the boys whined.

The woman began scolding them. "Don't Mom me." She gave me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about Tucker and Noah." She held her hand up. "You must be Raven. I'm Victor's wife, Sarah."

I looked at Robin for an explanation. "Yeah, Cyborg and I went back to our real names. At least out there," he said.

I shook Sarah's hand. "Nice to meet you."

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