'she had talent and was good enough to say in the palace but was also competition. She better learn her place and quickly.'

Too bad she wasn't going to take any event to consideration now was she? Jade couldn't help but smile as she met Meiying's smiling face.

"Mother seems to both like you and not at the same time. Interesting? We should head in now so you have time to fresh in up and change. "

Meiying signaled for a few maids that were left behind to grab your stuff and the other girls things and head in.

As you walked down several long hallways along side a few of the other girls you took this time to really take in Meiying.

As you walked down several long hallways along side a few of the other girls you took this time to really take in Meiying

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Meiying had tanned skin just like the Old Emperor. Large boba eyes like her mother. Her face was more rounded and youthful as were her features making her look closer in age to small children then adults.

A very pretty girl indeed. Even if the Palaces trendy pink and red makeup didn't really seem to work for her as it did others. Making her once more look young and innocent. Unlike the other maid's who looked more promiscuous and resemble that of the ladies of the night then workers of the Royal Court.

But what made her stand out the most besides the fact that her black hair was out and laying straight down her back with no ornaments or trinkets in it was her outfit. While the other maids were all wearing some form of a red uniform Meiying was wearing something more kin to her mother's outfit.

 While the other maids were all wearing some form of a red uniform Meiying was wearing something more kin to her mother's outfit

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A bit more yellow than gold and white with flowers embroiled on it. Once again something that showed a clear sign of her being affiliated by blood with the Royal family. It was one of the few things that Jade found very interesting about this fantasy novel. The royal family here seem to have a thing for gold and yellow in general anyone who was closely affiliated with the family had some form of gold or yellow in their outfits or adoning their body in some shape with form.

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