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Helloo~ I'm back after like what ? 2-3 years ? 💀🙏🏻

I hope you guys are doing well as well ~

Thankyou to people who still read this story few years ago and idk maybe someone still reading it and waiting for update 😔😭☝🏻 . Sorry for leaving it for too long since I have no energy to write when im free and also busy (I almost finish my Diploma yeay) .

Anyways , yes I had to read again what I wrote since I barely remember the context of this story 😔🙏🏻 . It was pain cuz i had to go through cringe shit that I wrote HELP- but anyways .

So yupp that's all about it ig . And I realized about certain stuffs since I went through comment sometimes .

Which there was something people mentioned about Asian slur that apparently people thought I use that so I just want to clarify some stuffs to clear this misunderstanding .

First of all , yes I'm from Southeast Asia , since someone said about that slur was used against us . Second is , i never know the existence of that slur at all other than that word is to describe an animal . Third , I have no intention at all using it as a slur or what since in the first place I dont even know that slur exist (?) .

But yeah although , apparently I can use that slur somehow according to the comments (?) , I already changed it to his normal name since it seems like most of people felt uncomfortable reading that word . So yup , I think thats all ~

New chapters will be posted this weekend and I will try my best to write more new chapters and update it every weekend .

Hahsjwsh and yes english isn't my first language so im sorry for all grammar errors etc or spelling since I'm too lazy to double check 😔🙏🏻

Have a nice day and take care everyone :)

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