Chapter 3

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Wait is over Guyz this might be a little long chapter compared to previous chapters.

Ekansh slid into the plush leather seat of his sleek, black car, the engine purring to life as he turned the ignition key. His fingers gripped the steering wheel with a sense of purpose, his sharp gaze fixed ahead. He was a man who commanded respect, both in his demeanor and his appearance.

As he merged into the bustling morning traffic, his thoughts remained focused on the day ahead. The boost he had given to the empire over the years demanded nothing less than perfection.

Kings Co-operation

Minutes later, he pulled up in front of his opulent office building, an architectural masterpiece that mirrored his own aura of dominance. The valet swiftly took his car, bowing slightly in deference. Ekansh acknowledged the gesture with a curt nod before striding through the grand entrance. The reception area suddenly a hush fell over the room as he graced the people in reception area with his Prescence, a palpable shift in energy. Ekansh was accustomed to such reactions; they were the natural response to his presence. "Good morning, Hukum," the receptionist said with Atmost respect. Not bothering with pleasantries. He moves towards his personal lift. He had little time for such trivialities when the weight of the whole empire rested upon his shoulders. Finally, he reached his office, a luxurious sanctuary of success. His executive chair was a throne from which he ruled his empire, and he sat down with a sense of purpose. suddenly a knock on the door was heard.

Ekansh curtly replied come in.

His PA Aniket Mehra came in with an iPad.

A very good morning Hukum, Aniket chimed, his voice tinged with reverence.

Morning," he replied with a stern expression. "What's today's schedule?" Aniket's fingers danced across the iPad he was holding. After a few moments, he responded, "Of course, Hukum. Your schedule for today includes a board meeting at 10 AM, a conference with the interior designers, which you finalized yesterday, at 2 PM, and a dinner appointment with the potential client at 7 PM."

Ekansh responded with a simple "hmm" and, with that, his PA left his office.

The clock struck 2 PM, and the conference room at the Kings Corporation was abuzz with anticipation. Three interior designers, each renowned for their unique styles and artistic flair, had been invited to discuss a new hotel project.

Ekansh, known for his impeccable taste and dominating presence, arrived right on time. He walked into the room.

As Ekansh entered, he greeted the designers with a nod of acknowledgment. "Good afternoon," he said, his tone commanding respect. "Please, take a seat.", two of the designers, promptly found their places at the conference table. They exchanged polite greetings with Ekansh, but something seemed amiss.

Ekansh couldn't ignore the fact that there should have been one more designer present. He glanced around the room, his piercing gaze narrowing as he realized that only two designers were seated before him.

Frustration welled up within Ekansh, but he maintained his composure. With a raised eyebrow, he inquired his, "Where's the third designer?"

Ekansh could inquire further, the large oak door swung open with a resounding thud. In walked Mr Saraf, the industry's genius, along with his subordinates. His subordinates, trembling with anxiety, muttered their apologies to Ekansh."Sorry for being late,Hukum.We had some unforeseen traffic issues," one of them stammered.

. Mr. Saraf didn't even spare a glance in their direction. He strode to the seat of the conference table and took a seat, displaying a hint of arrogance that was no match for Ekansh's dominance.

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