•[ "new girl in town" ]•

Start from the beginning

Savannah came speeding down the stairs quickly. Running past her parents.

"Bye mom, bye dad" she quickly ran past them surprising them.

Mrs.reed quickly called out towards her. "Savannah wait" Savannah stopped in her tracks, then walked back towards them. "Aren't you going to have any breakfast, before you go?" She asked. Savannah shook her head. "Uhm No. Im not hungry bye" she tried to run off again, only to be stop by mr.reed.

"But, Savannah it's your favourite" he showed her the plate. "Pop tarts" Seeing a few pop tarts on the plate Savannah shook her head once more. "No thanks" running away hoping her parents didn't call her one more time.

Mrs.reed cut her off. "Savannah, come over here please"

"Ugh. What mom.?" Annoyed that her parents kept stoping her. Mrs reed looked shocked at her attitude. "What is with your tone, your turning into a cheeky teenager" making Savannah flinch a bit.

She put her head down. "Sorry mom"

Mrs,reed sighed.

"Savannah,please eat some breakfast honey. You didn't have anything to eat yesterday..." remembering that her daughter didn't come out to eat yesterday night.

"But mom, I told you I'm not hungry tho..."
Mrs.reed raised her brow.

"Savannah. It's impossible to not go hungry after not eating in 12 hours" then a worried look appeared on her face again "is something wrong..?"

She shook her head. Not wanting to worry her parents. "No mom I'm fine, I'm just...nervous.." hoping they bought her lie. A blank look appeared on Mrs.reed face showing she didn't believe her. "Nervous...honey please just a glass of juice or a small granola bar on your way out" hoping her daughter would just eat.

"Uh..I'll just grab a bottle of juice on my out.." She walked towards her mother kissing her on the cheek.

"Bye mom"

Walking towards her father doing the same.
"Bye dad" before speeding away. "Bye...honey" he waved at her, he than looked worried looking at his wife, they shared the same look together.


Savannah walked into the kitchen, walking past the fridge she looked at it. 'Their so much sugar in juice tho..." she thought a bit disgusted. Before shaking her head not wanting to gain more weight then she already has.

'Forget it..'

She quickly left the kitchen heading towards the door.


She closed the door behind her. Looking up she gasped at seeing the jeep in shock.

Leon popped his head out the passenger side. "Hey savvy" he waved towards her. Gabe poked his head out the backseat "savvy" smiling at her. She walked towards the jeep In shock.

"Wow...this is your car..?" In awe at what she was seeing.

"Uh yea. My dads actually tho soo" rubbing his head a bit awkwardly. "It's amazing!" She said towards him. He chuckled "why thank you...it even has a fridge" he joked getting out.

They heard a cough making them look towards the chauffeur. "Mr.Davis, are we leaving?"

Leon coughed. "Yea right, and savvy this is my escort and driver sorpheus" pointing his head towards him.

"Please to meet you miss Savannah" bowing his head towards her, She looked embarrassed.
"O-oh Well it's nice to meet you to" not used to being treated like this.

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