Scott took a threatening step forward. "I'm already feeling the urge to kill, Stiles." He growled out. He pulled out his phone and frowned at his best friend. "I have to pick Allison up in an hour." He spoke, trying to dismiss the conversation.

Stiles threw his hands up, looking absolutely hurt. "Unbelievable! You're completely ignoring all of the signs and facts, Scott! Your pulse rises and you start to change! You can't go out tonight! It's too dangerous!" He snatched the phone from Scotts' hand.

Scott's face morphed into fury. "What are you doing?"

Stiles began typing out a message as he spoke. "I'm canceling the date."

Scott gave an inhuman shout. "No! Give it to me!" The last sentence was so loud and hurt Ellie's ears. She flinched back as the sentence ended in a guttural growl.

Scott slammed Stiles into the wall and snatched his phone back.

"Scott! Let him go!" Ellie shouted, stepping forward into the room.

He turned to her swiftly, and she gasped. His fangs were elongated on both his upper and lower jaw, and his eyes were glowing an angry gold as he growled and snarled at her. He dropped Stiles and flung the gaming chair that was in his way to the side as he stormed past Ellie, roughly shoving into her with his shoulder, sending her stumbling back.

Ellie and Stiles stood there staring dumbly towards where Scott had stormed off.

Ellie turned her head towards her brother to find him shaking and staring at his chair.

She followed his gaze and gulped. Four long gashes were torn into the back of the head rest.

Ellie turned to her brother and wrapped her arms around herself.



Ellie leaned back heavily against the wall. "Werewolves. That explains so much." She muttered to herself.

Stiles' brows twitched. "What?"

Ellie sighed and met his questioning gaze head on. "I think Peter is one as well. It would make sense. His quick healing, the bond we have started developing with him... and his eyes. They flash, too. Only, his are red, not gold."

Stiles threw his head back with a groan. "What even is our life?!" He exclaimed.

Ellie furrowed her brow before a thought crossed her mind. "Let's go." She spoke, standing up and making her way out of the room and down the stairs.

Stiles fumbled his way after her. "What? Where?"

She turned and grinned. "To Lydia's party of course. We should at least keep an eye on Scott."

The look of frustration is wiped off of Stiles' face and he grins. "Hell yes!" He fist pumped the air.


Ellie stood off to the side, sticking near the side yard leading to the front of Lydia's house, staying far out of the way of the drunk and stumbling children. She leaned lightly against the side of the house. Her gaze sweeping across the back yard as she slowly sipped at a cup of sprite.

She spots Scott in the middle, cozying up to a pretty girl with dark brown hair. She continued to keep an eye on him, having no idea where her idiot brother had gone off to. Though she was slightly confused. The boy looked like he was slightly grossed out for some reason.

"Do you come to parties thrown by teenagers often?"

The voice startled her. She froze, red solo cup against her bottom lip as she turned slowly to her left. The oxygen was suddenly sucked out of her lungs as she was met by the form of one Derek Hale.

Her gaze traveled up and down his form before stopping at his face. She bit her lip before looking away. "I could ask you the same thing." Oh god. She inwardly melted. He'd let his facial hair grow more! It was as if he had read her mind!

"I'm here checking up on someone." He rumbled, the sound coming from deep within his chest and she gulped.

She tried not to squeak as she spoke up. "Yeah. Me too."

Movement from Scott had Ellie squinting in concern. She raised her cup once more and took a sip. Her eyes widened as the girl pressed up against Scott and planted her lips right on his. She spat her drink out and raised a hand to her face in embarrassment, trying her hardest not to look towards Derek to see if he had seen. Oh god he had totally seen her.

She gaped at Scott as he pushed the girl away and wiped at his lips. His face scrunching up before he darted away.

She heard Stiles calling out to him before they both disappeared into the house.

She pushed away from the side of the house and followed after the two, zipping between teenagers as she made her way through the house and to the front door.

She stepped out onto the front porch and froze as she spotted the two by Stiles' jeep. Scott had her brother pushed up against the passenger side door while his mouth ravaged her brothers.

"Holy shit." She whispered out, her jaw dropping. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene in front of her even as Scott ripped himself away and clutched onto his head as if he were in pain before taking off into the dark of the night.

Stiles stared at the space in front of him for a moment completely dumbfounded before scrambling to get into the jeep and taking off down the street after Scott.

Ellie's eyes widened even more.

"Ah shit." She jogged over to where the jeep once was and threw her hands up into the air in a very Stiles like manner. "He fucking left me here. I mean, good for him for kissing Scott, but dude! Not cool!"

She crossed her arms over her chest as she pouted before sighing deeply and reaching for her phone.

She frowned as she patted her pockets. Crap. She slapped a palm to her forehead. "Of course." She had left her phone charging in her room, not thinking to grab it before they left.

"Need a ride?"

She swung around with a yelp. "Jesus! Make some noise when sneaking up on a girl, would ya?!" His answering grump face made her brain stutter. He seemed to do a good job at that. Why was a man who basically had one facial expression so attractive to her?

He raised an eyebrow and she giggled nervously. Right. He asked her a question.

"Oh! Ah... You know what!?" She asked, determination crossing her face as she glared off where her brother had gone. "Yeah. I'll take that ride. I need to skin a teenage boy for abandoning his sister."

He gave a curt nod before turning and walking down the sidewalk. She followed behind him cautiously. "He's not going to murder you, Ellie. Chill." She whispered to herself quietly, nervously playing with the hem of her sweater.

As they came to a stop, she stared at the black Camero parked on the street. "This... This is your car?!" He had her dream car?! What in the ever-loving hell? How was he so perfect? Why was he so goddamn hot!?

She could see her inner self clawing at her scalp as she gripped fistfuls of hair and threw her head back as she shouted to the heavens.

His eyebrows rose once again, and he opened the passenger door for her.

'My god.' She clenched her thighs. This man... Was it possible to die right here and now from how freaking horny he was making her? He had her face heating up like the blushing virgin she was.

She shuffled shyly past him and into the seat, gazing around in awe of the car's interior.

She didn't even notice he had shut her door until he was sitting down in his seat.

"So." Ellie drawled out as she ran a hand down the dash in front of her. She looked over and met his gaze head on.

"How fast can this thing go?" She giggled when he sent her a smirk. Just the slightest twitch at the corner of his lips. The largest and the most expressive she had even seen him make.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now