My past

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*3rd POV*

Aika was running to the white witch's chamber, frantically fumbling through her memories, trying to find a reason of why the white witch wanted her. She hadn't done anything wrong...right?

As aika stepped cautiously into the room where the white witch was, she couldn't help but shiver. She spotted the white witch, with of course her hideous bird apus, and walked toward them. The white witch just looked back at her without emotion, not even blinking. "What do you need me for?" aika asked. The white witch watched her, deadfaced, for a second, but replied "you are becoming rather a burden. Either you start acting your age, or i dispose of you.." aika took a step back in shock. "How would i act my age?" "I want you to go to the savior's world. I have ensured his death, but i want you to make sure there is no flaws. The saviour must die. Got it?" aika nodded weakly. What else could she do? She was still scared of the white witch.. Because of that day..

*Aika's memories in first POV*

I'm running down the street, back to my village. It's a small village, no one has ever heard of it, and none of us are rich, but we are happy. I was training with my wand back by the wasteland not too far south. I was practicing this new spell, thunderstorm. I'm going back to restore my manna. But then i notice something is off. My village is burning! I'm running towards it desperatedly now. When i get close, i fall to my knees.... Everyone is dead...

*Still in flashback-3rd POV*

Aika is crying on the floor, her hand clenching her small wand so hard she nearly snaps it in two. She can't stop crying. Then she runs. She doesn't look back. It will just hurt more. Two months later, and she was starting to lose her sanity. She blames herself for the loss of her village, for the death of her people. She hated that she was the only survivor. Her wand is lying un-noticed in a corner. She was huddled just outside sonewhere called hamelin. Everyone was wearing pig masks, it was wierd...

She had gone insane.

*1 month later...*

She sat there. Just sat. She never moved. Suddenly, a bright light erupted in front of her, and she saw a gleaming gold hand reach through. She could hear a maddening melodic voice in her head.

'Take my hand. Submit to your misery and join me for the ultimate power.' Aika stares blankly at her. The remaining human part of her is tempted by her offer. And, before she knows it, her hand is going up.. Up... Reaching out... But then something or someone grabs her arm. "Aika! Don't give into cassiopeia! Fight back!" she looks down to see a 5 year old tugging her arm away. She has green hair and a white gown.

"Who are you?" The green haired girl doesn't reply. The evil-looking lady that had her hand reaching out drew back, and scowled at the green haired- girl. "Even now, you dare to cause trouble!" she shrieks. The green haired girl turns to aika, ignoring the furious woman. "You don't wanna help her! She was the one who destroyed your home!" she yells at aika. Aika blinks, seeming to snap out of her zombie-like state, and stares at the girl in shock as she pulls out a wand, and draws the travel runes in the air.

They are instantaniously transported to somewhere else, a strange white castle. Aika collapses to the floor, and the girl yells: "DOODLE-DOO!" Then Aika drifted into unconsiousness........

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