Mage Apprentice Felix

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"Again," his master called out as Felix fell hard on his face for the fifth time. The Mage Apprentice groaned blinking back tears of pain that had formed in his violet eyes. "Concentrate Du Prae," his master commanded as Felix muttered the incantation and began to float. He stayed in the air longer this time until his concentration was snapped by the warning bells. Once more he ate dirt but this time received no scolding from his master. The young mage was quickly helped to his feet and pushed deeper into the forest. "Hurry, it won't take the King's men long to find us," his master urged.

The pair ducked behind a bush. The older mage chanted a spell concealing the pair from the approaching guards. Felix held his breath, well practiced in hiding from the guards. The guards shouts and boot falls echoed all around the two mages, until finally all fell silent again. They waited a few more moments before Felix's master dropped the spell and they both breathed a sigh of relief. "Why won't they just leave us alone?" Felix grumbled dusting the dirt off himself. "They fear us because of our magic," his master replied wearily, having had this argument numerous times. "Then why teach me it, bind it for all I care if it means I don't have to keep hiding," Felix shot back throwing his hands in the air.
"Your magic is a part of you, you can't bind it thus you must learn to control it. They will never accept anyone marked by magic." Felix covered his eyes with his long ebony hair ashamed by their violet telltale colour. Sensing he had once again won the argument his master turned and began to walk off, his apprentice trailing silently behind.

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