When I check my phone again, ten minutes have passed. Where is Charles? Did he have to run to the bathroom?

Me : Charles???

The couple leave the stacker machine. I walk up to it, mindlessly fiddle with the buttons, suss out all the prize options. Charles will love that Loki key ring.

I call Charles. His phone rings out.

At least half an hour has passed since I last saw him. An uneasy feeling washes over me and my stomach cramps.

Maybe he ran into a friend. I take a lap of the arcade, slowly assessing each section for a curly haired Korean with flawless skin and a black and white checkered shirt. Why am I kidding myself: I'm his only friend.


By the time I make it back to the stacker machine, I'm officially worried. I call Sofia and she answers on the third ring.

"Hey, Sofia," I say, "I'm sorry to bother you but have you heard from Charles? I was just with him at the arcade, and he vanished."

"I haven't heard from him."

"Maybe something happened to Morgan and he had to run off?"

"Morgan's at work."

"I've been looking for him for about an hour now and I'm starting to get worried – should I – do I call the police?"

"Ash is already on the phone with them. We're in the area. Do you need us to pick you up?"

Sofia and Ash are together. I vaguely recall him saying their relationship was... fake? It doesn't matter now. I don't want to be around him right now. He triggers my insta-guilt.

"I'm just going to keep looking for him. Wait – why is Ash talking to the police?"

"We're going to come pick you—"

I bump into someone and drop my phone. Looking up, I see my assailant was also on his phone.

"Sorry!" we both utter.

I crouch down to pick up my phone at the same time as the stranger crouches and passes it to me.

He drops my phone into my open palm.

"Thanks," I say, glancing up to see none other than Felix. "Oh my gosh, Felix! Fancy seeing you here." I laugh.

I steal a glimpse down at my phone. I must have hung up on Sofia. There's also one notification.

Charles : Sorry had to leave. Emergency. Talk later.

"Hey, Danielle," Felix says with a smile. "Long time no see."

"Here with friends?" I ask. "How's the Aubry Coast treating you?"

"Yeah good, actually. I was just with my mates from school but I gotta head to my shift at the hospital. What about you?"

"Well... funny thing, my friend and I were hanging out and he had a sudden emergency. I'm just about to uber home."

"Hey, I'm happy to drop you home on my way if that helps."

"Oh no, I couldn't ask that of you."

"It's not biggie. Besides, you don't want to be paying for an uber in this economy."

"True... well, if it's not too much trouble, that would be great!"




Felix and I make small talk on the drive home. I can't help but find him cheesy and charismatic – almost like Charles. Him and Skylar really would make the perfect couple. I wonder when she'll get back from England.

"How's your boyfriend?"

"Oh... we broke up."

Felix's hands tense over the steering wheel. "Any other guys caught your eye?"

"Not at the moment..."

"Not the boy next door?"

For a second, I think he means Ash, before I catch the stereotype. "Definitely not."

He seems to relax at that. Maybe he's nervous and wants to ask me out? I should probably clarify that I'm in no shape or form to be even considering another romance...

His anxiousness is contagious. My OCD inner monologue starts to pipe up. Did I ignore all the warnings? Don't talk to strangers. Don't get in a car with someone you don't know...

It's too late for that now. Besides, I know Felix. He goes to school down the road. He just moved to town. He's nice. He's not a stranger.

We turn the corner into my street and I feel the anxiety fade with each house we pass. Gen is coming to meet me too. She should be here any minute.

He pulls over in front of my house.

I exhale, then sharply hold my breath. "Wait, I didn't tell you my address –"

He lunges for me. I scream but the sound is quickly muffled by him covering my mouth with a rag doused in something awful smelling. I try to push away from him, clawing at his hands. But his grip around the back of my neck secures the rag and there's nothing I can do but breathe in the repugnant taste of it.

A sharp pain pierces my skull and purple and green blurs my eyes. Dizzy...

Everything goes black.


welcome to the climax

only ten chapters left!



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