ꜰɄᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ {29}

Start from the beginning

"I said give me the gun Jungkook!" Taehyung exclaimed, eyes not leaving the cars chasing them. Yes Taehyung indeed know that Jungkook carries a gun with him. Being a very highly classed reputed man , he needs that to protect himself but he just prayed that the gun was fully loaded.

Jungkook sped up the car more as he spoke "Taehyung don't speak nonsense ju-"

"GIVE ME THE GUN JUNGKOOK. I'VE USED THAT THOUSAND TIMES FOR FUCKS SAKE!" This time it was Taehyung's que to shout. Jungkook was not listening to him and they could not let the firing go for a long time. It was risky as hell.

Jungkook took a deep breath and muttered "the glove compartment."

Taehyung did not even say a word and directly went to open the compartment. There were three guns. He took one in his hold and took a deep breath.

"Drive in high speed no matter what happens." With that he opened the window. Just when it was open enough to let his hand out of the car he pulled the trigger.

His Target was one thing, the tires. He wanted to shoot the tires so the cars will be disabled in the middle of the road or may collide togather. He knew it was a risky thing to do but he was brave enough to face the risks. He needed to save their lives.

Their car was literally cutting the wind while Taehyung continued to fire and the men did the same. Jungkook was fully focused on driving as he gave the full charge of fighting to Taehyung. He knew Taehyung was enough to fight with those basterds.

As Taehyung thought, he shot of the cars front wheels making them either stop, some of them even actually collided but it was not a huge accident that they would get hurt no! And that was the problem.

If some of them get hurt atleast the firing game would die down a little but it was not the case anymore. Eventhough the car stopped they still threw bullets at them. As they were going far from the cars the people from the cars could not shoot more.

Taehyung counted only four cars were left and he still had some bullets in the gun he was holding at that time and he saw two more guns so no problem.

Suddenly a car sped up and targeted Taehyung. Unfortunately the bullet hit the middle of the car instead of Taehyung's body.

Jungkook was so mad. He saw how the bullet was thrown at Taehyung rather than damaging the car. Heck he did not even gave a fuck to his car right now. It was only Taehyung.

The veins in his neck was literally popping, eyes were getting red and his knuckles turned white for the force he was applying on the stearing wheel and the gear.

"Are you okay?" He asked, eyes only at the front.

Taehyung smirked slyly and answered "more than ever." His hand went to take another gun in his hand. Now his both hands were occupied by the guns. He swiftly fired, pointing at the wheel, making the car lost it's balance. The black car hit the side of road where there was a trail of tall trees making it crash.

Jungkook saw that from the corner of his eyes and chuckled. Guess his boyfriend is really skilled. "A nice one babe." He said.

Taehyung scoffed "they got what they deserved " as his hands began to move forward and backward with each shot. He was satisfied.

It was like a movie scene where they main actor fights with many people at once but that was turning into a reality today. The brunette wanted to laugh at that.

When he noticed there was only one car left at the road which was ready to attack them he closed his eyes only for a second and shot four to five bullets at once. The car was purposely moving too much but he was well trained. He was not working in the field without any talent.

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