Chapter 6: Distant Reunion

Start from the beginning

What for?

"Ye Ying."

She snapped out of her thoughts and caught his golden eyes. She bowed her head slightly. "General."

Her eyes flittered towards Dan Heng, catching his gaze. A strange look adorned his face, something that she was not used to seeing. Something that she cannot comprehend.

"There's no need for the formality." Jing Yuan said. "How have you been? It's been so long since you left the Xianzhou Loufu."

"Ever since I left the Xianzhou Loufu....?"

Perhaps, he knows something of her past.

She faltered, struggling to find the right words to answer the silvery white-haired man.

Jing Yuan smiles at her reaction. "It's fine if you can't answer that." He reassured her.

"I'm sorry."

"No need to be."

Jing Yuan then turned to Yanqing.

"Thank you for assisting the Xianzhou in this small matter, leave, I'll pretend I didn't see anything this time."

"But General...!"

"Now is not the time." Jing Yuan said in his deep voice, giving Yanqing a small warning.

The boy turned away, dejected.

Noticing this, Cordelia moved away from the group, approaching the boy.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked worriedly, her eyes examining him for any signs of injuries from the previous battle but still making sure to keep her distance so as to not offend the little kid in front of her.

Yanqing gives her a wary look, his blue eyes full of distrust, his eyes telling her, "I don't trust you."

She noticed this and said, "Don't worry, I'm not with them."

Meaning that she's not on their side against him. She definitely not going to join the two men to jump a little kid.

However, the two men must have misunderstood her words because Dan Heng's mouth was open to protest while Blade glared at Yanqing. They quickly stopped after she shot them a look.

Blade watched their interaction with a frown, a wounded look on his sharp features.

He couldn't take it anymore.

But still, he endured the feelings.

"I'm taking you with me." Blade declared, walking towards her.


She gives him a look, questioning him. "I'm not going with you."

"Yes you are."  He took a step towards her.

"Nuh-uh." She shook her index finger. His eyebrows furrowed together.

She wanted to talk to Jing Yuan, to see if she could get anything out of him about her past.

"Now," Jing Yuan began. "You cannot leave yet. Your Astral Express friends are waiting for you at Scalegorge Waterscape."

Dan Heng and Cordelia both turned to look at him.

. . .

"Scalegorge Waterscape is the same as I remembered from the last time I have been here."

The general walked beside them, reminiscing the remains of the past.

"And here we are, different as we stood next to each other."

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