He hung up the phone, sighing, then looked at me. He smiled, ruffling my hair.

-"Damn, we can't even relax for a minute, right, little one? I'll just put on some clothes and we'll head there."

He went out of the room and I just sat there, completely dumbfounded...why did Marianne know Wes and I slept together? Did he tell her?...was all this pre-planned? Did I actually have any control over the situation or was I just some kind of trophy..? Did we actually make love or did he just fuck me because he wanted to 'get laid'?

Wes came back into the room all dressed up, holding a bag and a jacket. He put the jacket on me, adjusting it and zipping it up, then put the beanie on my head.

-"There we go, all warmed up. You just washed your hair, I don't want you to get sick. I put your clothes in my bag, so we'll wash them at the hospital."-he really sounds like he cares...he suddenly turned around, lifting me up on his back.

-"W-what are you doing?"

-"Well, I know it hurts when you walk right now, and it's kinda my fault, so I'm going to carry you to the car."

-"You don't have to do that..."

-"Yeah, but I want to. Come on, let's go, or we're going to get yelled at again."-He joked and we left the house and got into an elevator. He sounds so sincere, so loving and caring...can I trust this? I want to trust this so badly, I want him to actually care about me...but I'm doubting everything now...I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling the tears sliding down my cheeks...

-"...Elio? Are you crying? Shit, does it hurt that badly? Want me to give you some painkillers?"- Hearing his voice just made me cry harder. No, it doesn't, it barely hurts, especially when he carries me like this...that's not the problem.

-"W-wes...was I used again?"-I asked through tears.

-"Huh? What are you talking about?"

-"...When I talked to Marianne before, she knew we slept together...w-why? Did you do all this just to get me into bed?...d-do you think I'm easy?"-he put me down, stopping the elevator. I looked at him with my blurry vision, trying to figure out his expression.

-"N-no, Elio...that's not the case, I promise you...Marianne figured out we're dating two days ago, so I just came clean and told you the truth."

-"But how did she know we're going to do it tonight...?"-I asked, trying to hide my crying face.

-"She probably just guessed. You know, we weren't returning to the hospital in the middle of the night on New Year's eve...it's kinda obvious."-when I think about it, it's pretty simple and it makes sense, but once I start feeling like shit, it's hard to go back to feeling good again. He pulled me closer, hugging me.

-"You're not easy, Elio, I never thought you're easy, not even once. And I didn't bring you here to sleep with you, I brought you here to spend time with you. Was I hoping we'd sleep together? Yeah, obviously. But that's not because I wanted to fuck just anyone...it's because I'm insanely attracted to my boyfriend and want to get intimate with him. I think that's a pretty normal thing to want..."-I hugged him back, drying my cheeks against his shirt. He continued.

-"...I never wanted to use you, Elio, I tried to make you enjoy it, to make it feel good as much as I could...I hope you didn't actually feel like you're being used, because that's the last thing I wanted you to feel..."-I shook my head, gathering the energy to speak again.

-"N-no, it didn't, it felt great, it really did...I'm just so used to being treated like shit, that I can't really comprehend when people are nice to me...I don't even know how you have the patience to deal with me..."-I feel like such an idiot...

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