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It's amazing how one person can change your life completely. Overly used cliché? Definitely. But it just happens to be the case here. Next follows the story of someone I hold dearest to my heart: her name is Athea Sanders Abbiati, she is 16 years old and just recently moved to the United States of America (however, with no "American Dream" promises). Before I dive into this tale, allow me to introduce Athea, for she has a very interesting story.

Athea was actually born and raised in the small town of Abbiategrasso, Italy. Her mother, Dianora Abbiati, who carried with her the ever so lost heritage of the city's forefathers and founders, is Italian, and her father, Patrick Sanders, is American (thus, she grew up a bilingual child, speaking fluently both Italian and English). Now, an interesting fact about Athea's mother is that she grew up living next door and growing, therefore, an everlasting friendship to, someone who became a world-renowned shoe designer: Diogo Varone. Close friend of the family, Diogo fell in love with Athea at her birth and named her his muse. Ever since, he constantly sends her gifts in the shape of beautiful shoes: some prototypes, some exclusive designs, some his best sellers; in summary, he adores her.

By this point you must think that Athea has it good, and a life that many would envy. But every rose has its thorns – and Athea's roses just so happened to be riddled with them.

Since an early age, Athea had a certain difficulty in making friends, growing into some type of "antisociality". Her parents looked into finding her some help, but the best they got out of her doctor was the suggestion of diary-keeping. There goes thorn number one.

Due to this relationship hindrance, Athea grew very close and fond of her older sister Brie, who took the part of a sister, a best friend, a getaway and a second mom. Their bond was unimaginable, and nothing could ever get in the way of the unconditional love they felt for each other. Nothing but a drunk driver. When Athea was 11, Brie got into a serious car accident. She couldn't resist the wounds and passed away at the hospital one week later. Athea cried so much on the night of her sister's death that ever since she finds it hard to cry again over anything at all. There goes thorn number two.

After Brie's death, both her and her mother entered severe stages of depression – and so is born thorn number three. Dianora started drinking compulsively, causing many fights and arguments between her and Patrick. In an already turbulent relationship as it was, one night her mother drunk-cheated and fell in love again. Their parents divorced and her father got her guard due to her mom's past alcoholic issues. Dianora then moved to France with her new lover. There goes thorn number four.

Although she still loved her mom nevertheless and her parents now maintained a stable and friendly relationship, Patrick thought it was best to move back home and be near family – and so, Athea was forced to abandon the town she grew up in and the house she cherished so many memoriesfor so long (especially with her sister). Combining that with all the difficulties Athea suffered at school and in her daily life growing up with social anxiety, thus goes thorn number five.

On the tiny brighter side however, life in America wasn't particularly difficult at first. Patrick was successful in his job and although not wealthy, him and Athea had a comfortable life in a spacious home on the upper side of town.

Growing up in her "introvertiality", Athea developed a talent and liking for drawing. She would draw anything and everything she loved or found interesting. She especially liked to draw alongside her diary entries, such as experiences, feelings, people or really anything at all. For her, it was unexplainable: she simply felt it and transferred it down to paper.

Now that Athea's 101 has been put down, we direct our attention to present time. People say first impressions make a big difference in how you are perceived by others. Athea was never really prone to follow popular beliefs but still, for her first day she wanted to look good – during the moving process she had promised herself to try and leave all the sadness and problematic back in Italy and try something new in America. Her first step? To try and make at least one friend. As simple as it may sound, for her it was a huge challenge.

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