Dušan Vlahović~Requested

627 7 3

Date made: 12-09-2023

Name: Y/n
Status: Dating
Requested by: valeriasalgado09

Third Person POV

Y/n's heart raced as she felt the familiar grip of panic take hold. Her breath quickened, coming in shallow gasps, and her vision blurred with tears. The weight of anxiety pressed down on her chest, suffocating her. She had kept this secret from Dusan, afraid of burdening him with her struggles, that he wouldn't understand or worse, that he would see her as weak. But now, in the midst of a full-blown panic attack, there was no hiding it any longer.

But then, through the haze of fear and uncertainty. As if on cue, Dusan entered their bedroom, his eyes widening at the sight before him, Y/n heard a familiar voice. Dusan. Her boyfriend stood before her, concerned, worried. Concern etched across his face as he rushed to Y/n's side. He didn't need an explanation; he could see the fear in her eyes, feel the tremors coursing through her body.

Without a word, he sat next to her trying to take things slow and try not to touch her to make sure he wouldn't make her more scared. Until she accepted him, he almost immediately enveloped her in his arms. His touch was soothing, his voice a balm to her troubled mind. He whispered tender reassurances, assuring her that everything would be alright. Slowly, as his words washed over her, Y/n felt the tight knots within her loosen. Exhaustion tugged at her weary body, urging her to surrender to sleep. Yet, she hesitated, longing for the comfort of Dusan's presence. Sensing her hesitation, he leaned closer and whispered softly in her ear. "Rest now," he murmured gently. "I'll be here when you wake up. We'll talk about this later." With those words hanging in the air like a promise, Y/n finally succumbed to slumber's embrace, knowing that she was safe and loved in Dusan's care. His promise wrapped around Y/n like a cosy blanket, lulling her into a peaceful slumber. Once Dusan could tell she was in a deep sleep he carried her trying to not wake her up, as he laid them both down with her on top of him having his arms around her protectively, looking at her thinking about why she wouldn't tell him she has panic attacks and if she even has gotten them when he wasn't there to comfort her...

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