Viní Jr~Requested

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Date made: 28-03-23

Name: Mia
Stats: Dating
Requested by: Movdrix_l

Mia is a famous (your nationality) volleyball player. She was having a special gave tonight leading into her and her team winning. With a jealousy Vinícius.

Third Person POV

Y/n was now walking towards the entrance for her game with her boyfriend. It was one of her important game and she invited her boyfriend who is a Real Madrid player Vinícius Jr and some of his Brasil teammates Richarlison and Neymar.

She was very excited but also very nervous scared that if they but mainly she mess up then it's gonna be one hell of a practice. Viní could tell she was nervous so he caressed her hand into his. And leaned down to whisper in her ear, gently saying "Você tem isso, eu sei que vocês podem vencer, meu amor" (You got this, I know you guys can win, my love). Then gently kissed your cheek. You smiled at how he was comforting you and telling that you guys can win.

You guys started talking until you heard some Brazilian accents and turn to see Neymar and Richarlison laughing. You were about to say something, but Richarlison beated you "Oi Y/n e Vini" (Hi Y/n and Vini). The couple replied back and Y/n started hugging each, while they did their bro hug. You did Neymar first and he kissed your cheek, (As a greeting) then did Richarlison, he held a bit longer on and kissed your cheek.

Once you guys pulled apart you felt an arm go around your waist. You guys started a conversation and started walking towards the entrance before you would be late. You talked to Richarlison while Viní talked to Neymar. Richarlison whispered a stupid joke in your ear which made you laugh. It made Vinícius grip on your waist a little tighter. "Tudo bem esta é a minha parada " (Alright this is my stop) "Boa sorte" (Good luck) Neymar and Vinícius said "Espero que você ganhe" (Hope you win) Richarlison said.

Then him and Neymar left leaving you and Vinícius alone. He looked a bit confused on why Richarlison was flirting with you while you thought that he was being nice. Vinícius turned and pressed his lips on yours, slowly it was about to turn into a make out session. But you pulled away before it would lead into something else "Divirta-se y/n" (Have fun y/n) and kissed you one more time and quickly ran to the stands.

The game started and you guys we're doing amazing the score was 3-1 (I don't know how Volleyball works so I might be saying some things wrong). Once the first half was over second half started and both teams were going every where around the place you guys were tie 4-4, your teamate Alex hit to ball towards your direction and you spiked the ball down, but the other team saved it. You cursed under your breath and continue trying to score a point. The other team spiked a ball down thinking nobody would get it and celebrated to early which luckily your libro saved it and you spiked the ball down now earning a point 5-4 leaving the team in shock.

The game ended after a few minutes of your point. And you were now going to the boys. You hugged Neymar then Richarlison who whispered how good you played and lightly kissed your cheek and you lastly hugged your boyfriend who had a look on his face of some anger. You guys talked while making your way out Viní having him arm around your waist. Richarlison had some flirting in your conversation which led to Viní gripping a little bit harder. Once you guys were about to seperate Richarlison whispered one last thing in your ear and left with Neymar. Leaving you and Viní alone once again.

Viní looked absolutely more pissed and hurried his way to his car. Wanting to leave. Before you could say anything else Viní opened your door and said that "Em" (In) which you did get in wondering what made him angry.

He shut the door and went to his side and sat in the car. You guys were in silence, before he was about to start the car you put one of your hands on his and the other on his thigh. "O que há de errado com você " (What is wrong with you) you asked. "Nada" (Nothing) he simply said

" Você realmente acha que eu acreditaria que você tem um olhar irritado em seu rosto" (You really think I would believe that you have a angry look on your face)

"Tudo bem você quer saber vá dizer a Richarlison que ele tem flertado com você esse tempo todo beijando sua bochecha e sussurrando coisas em seu ouvido o que eu nem sei" ( Fine you wanna know go tell Richarlison he has been flirting with you this whole entire time kissing your cheek and whispering things in your ear what I don't even know) Viní said looking at you

" Viní você está exagerando ele está apenas sendo legal mais as palavras que ele me diz e apenas coisas legais" (Viní you are overreacting he's just being nice plus the words he tell me and just nice things)

Viní scoffed and said "Então, por que ele não vai apenas dizer isso em voz alta? " (So why won't he just say it out loud?)

"Eu não sei" (I don't know) you said bringing your shoulders up. You looked at Viní and he turned his face away from you.

"Por que você está tão preocupado com ele?" (Why are you so worried about him)

" Porque você não saberia como se sente quando os meninos estão por cima de você dizendo o quão quente você é, falando sobre sua bunda nos shorts apertados que você usa ou qualquer outra coisa assim" (Because you would not know how it feels when boys are all over you saying how hot you are, talking about your ass in the tight shorts you wear or anything else like that) Viní said still looking away from you

"Oh, por favor, Viní, eu poderia dizer a coisa que você já pensou sobre o quão ciumento eu sinto quando vejo garotas em cima de você ou falando sobre você ou seu corpo é chato" (Oh please Viní I could say the thing do you ever think about how jealous I feel when I see girls all over you or talking about you or your body it is annoying.) Y/n said scoffing

"Estou preocupado com os caras e você" (I'm worried about the guys and you) Viní said in a low voice

" Para que você não confie em mim?" (so you don't trust me?) Y/n said thinking that it mean something else

"Não- Porra do inferno Y / n Eu não confio neles, estou preocupado com eles te tirando de mim, dando-lhe algo que eu não te dei" (No- Fucking hell Y/n I don't trust them, I'm worried about them taking you away from me, giving you something I didn't give you" Viní said then took a pause then continue

"Eu te amo é por isso que eu fico protetor com você sobre os homens, eu só tenho medo de que você vai acabar com as coisas comigo e você iria ficar com eles" (I love you that's why I get protective with you over men I am just scared that you will end stuff with me and you would get with them) he said looking out the window seeing that it has rain.

You looked at him now knowing why he's protective with you to guys. "Não importa que eu deva ser super-reado" (Never mind I must me over reacting) he said still looking outside the window. You gently headed his face with both of your hands and said to him "Eu te amo Vinícius, eu só não quero que você pense que alguém vai me tirar de você. Eu sempre ficarei ao seu lado" (I love you Vinícius, I just don't want you to think someone will take me away from you. I will always stay by your side) you said. Then you felt lips on yours slowly turning into a make out session. He pulled away and said to you "Eu te amo" (I love you) and pulled you guys back for an another kiss.

Football imagines (FINISH) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang