𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢 (𝙿𝚝. 21)

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-𝗥𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗼 𝗣𝗼𝘃-

Since the news ended, Kokichi stayed in his room. Or so I heard from Kaede and Kiyo. So, here I am now. Setting on the ground outside his bedroom door. "Come on, Kokichi. You have to come out at some point." Celestia sighs, standing beside the door as well. "I don't mean to be rude, but he's been in there for 3 hours. I don't think he plans on leaving." I cut in, rubbing my eyes.

It was already about 8, I would assume. Kaede left 2 hours ago 'because the kids', she said. I didn't really care who made him come out. I just wanted to be here when he came out, so I could see if he was okay. "Still ain't come out yet?" Kazuichi asks, walking down the hall. Celestia nods. "Damn. Hey, Kokichi! Suppers done! Chiaki made it this time!" He called. No reply.

This is how it has been for the past couple hours. You yell at him, no reply. You speak to him, no reply. You text or call him, no fucking reply. Honestly, I was tempted to bring Maki or Tenko over here in order to bust his door down. "Guys. Spare me the details, but...what the fuck are you doing?" We all looked down the hallway, where the newcomer, Toko, stood.

Me and her sort of just stared at eachother for a minute, before she broke the silence and looked up at Celestia. "Master. What is the ultimate weed smoker doing in your house?" I groan, letting my head drop into my arms. "Kokichi refuses to come out. Apparently, Shuichi attempted su!cide last night and Kokichi is taking the blame." She explained.

I knew leaving Kaede with Kokichi was a bad idea.........I should leave Tenko with him next time.

-Toko Pov-

'The hell? Why would he blame himself?' I sigh, walking up to weedy, kicking him out of the way. "Stand back, master." I tell Celestia, before kicking the doorknob upwards. I was the one who had these doors fixed the way that they are, so only I know how to open them from the outside. Though I should probably have master fix it a different way, since weedy no knows too.

Anyways, enough about doors. As the door opened, I saw Kokichi standing by his closet. "Hey, Kokichi. Do you know how to answer a-" I stopped once I realized what he had. A gun. My gun. "Hey, drop that!" I shout, kicking the gun out of his hand and into the air. Thankfully, he didn't resist. 'Should I...?' I gulp, slowly wrapping by arms around him.

I pulled him into a hug, which he returned. "I'm sorry, Mom..." He mumbled, resting his head on my shoulder. 'God, this boy is... something else...' I sigh, taking my fingers through his hair a few times. "Hey, Kokichi, dear. I know this probably isn't the best time, but...Gokuhara-kun just called and said that they're waiting on you." Celestia said from the door.

-3rd Pov-

Kokichi released Toko and the two backed away from one another. "Hey, Koki-" Rantaro tried to give Kokichi a hug, but was cut off by Kokichi smacking his hand away. "Come on. Gonta is waiting on us." He mumbled, pushing past Rantaro, brushing shoulders with him in the process. "Kokichi...."

-Time Skip-

Nagito ended up being the one who drove the two to the party. "Hey, Kokichi! Glad you could-" Kaede, too, was cut off by Kokichi ignoring her and brushing her off like nothing as he walked by her. "Wha-?" She frowned, looking back to Rantaro, who gave a sad smile, followed by a shrug.

Kokichi walked through Gonta's oddly large house, ignoring every life form that got in his path. "Hey, Ouma-kun!" Kokichi groans, knowing that annoyingly happy voice anywhere. He pushed past Tsumugi, only to continue to be followed by her. "How are you, Ouma-kun? It's been awhile since I've seen you at school! You haven't been skipping, have you?" She then continued to giggle sickeningly.

Kokichi rolls his eyes, turnig on his heel to walk the other way. 'I think I saw Gonta over-' His thoughts were cut off my Tsumugi grabbing his wrist, throwing him very forcefully against the wall. "Agh-, let me go, dumb fuck!" Kokichi groans, blinking a few times in order to fix his vision. "Kokichi Ouma. I asked a question, and I expect you to answer." The woman whispered into his ear, her hot breath, along with her eerie voice causing Kokichi to go into a cold sweat.

He nods, pushing the girl away, gently. "Hey, Kokichi!" The twos attention turned to a small pink haired girl running towards Kokichi. Kokichi glanced to Tsumugi, who seem very annoyed by the little girls presence. Kokichi quickly swept the girl up in his arms, replacing his frown with a smile. "H-hey, Kotoko. How are you?" He asks, walking away from Tsumugi ever so cautiously.

-Kokichi Pov-

'What the hell was that...? I don't think I've ever seen her act like that....plus, there's the way she acted when she saw Kotoko....' I sigh. "Guess what! Nagisa and Monaca kissed! I saw it! I swear!" I chuckle, nodding at the bubbly girls previous statements. "Guess what! Don't tell nobody, but I saw Kaito and Maki kiss, too!" I whisper to her, smirking.

She looked back at my wide-eyed, before giggling. "Okay, let's promise to keep each others secrets, okay?" She questions, holding up her pinky finger. I smile, nodding as I latch our finger, shaking them up and down. We laughed at eachother before beginning to walk down the hallway together. "You know where Jataro and Gonta are?" I ask, glancing down at her.

She shrugs, "Probably with Miss Sayaka." I freeze, looking down at her slowly, hoping I had misheard. "With- with who?" I ask, smiling nervously. "Miss Sayaka! Well- her or Amami-kun." She huffs, puffing out a cheek. 'Welp, I'm fucked... utterly...fucked....'


Whoopee, Kokichi gon die tonight! Or...is he? Hehe, who knows? Read to find out!

-Sorry if it seems my chapters are getting productively shorter, bc they aren't, I'm just using bigger words  ͡°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)-

-Sorry if something offends you in anyway or I made a mistake along the lines somewhere-


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