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In a surprising turn of events, Isadora Quagmire is amongst the names of players eliminated in the first round today, with the tennis star playing a disappointing match against newcomer Carmelita Spats.

After winning the coin toss, things looked bright for Quagmire- who is known for her bullseye precision and lethal backhand. However, after dropping the first set to Spats- who is new to the scene at only seventeen years old- the rest of the game was a painful watch, with Quagmire suffering double faults twice in a row and then struggling to make back the points lost. The usually top form player seemed to struggle, making crucial mistakes and letting Spats run her all over the court.

The match was rapidly won in straight sets by Spats, making her debut at the US open with a bang. Is this the rise of a new star in tennis? Time will only tell. Spats moves into the second round and is scheduled to play her next match on Thursday against Clarice Williams...

(Duncan Quagmire, Sports Editor for The Daily Punctilio)

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