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Have you ever been in love?
Have you ever tried so hard to get your their attention?
Your eyes meet and you feel butterflies  in your belly.
You smile every time you think of them.
A little touch, a small gift, a whisper
Things you leave for them.

I am the  one you love.
You cherish my affection
You scorn the things that  bring me pain.
You treat me like a god.
You worship the ground I walk on.

Just like everything else I take you for granted.
I never give you all
Just enough to keep you around
And now I  regret that I didn't .

And just as Katy Perry said,
In another life I will make you stay
So I don't have to say you were the one that got away.

Farewell my love, I hope  you  wait for me so I can prove to you the things I couldn't

Heyyy it's  been a long while huh. A bit rusty but we're working on it loves.  Seee yaaa

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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