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Slowly opening my eyes I felt– water? I was shivering due to how cold it was and my teeth were chattering. I see luffy hitting the glass— something was wrapped around my arm, it was some type of chain with a brick which was holding me down.

"Don't bother. It's seawater." Buggy says, breaking the silence. I turned to him and desperately kicked the glass, my eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

Luffy grunts, his hair was damped and sticking to his face, my hair was disheveled and wet too. I clutched my stomach, feeling the pain from earlier.

"Hardly seems fair. all those wonderful powers rendered useless from a few splashes." Buggy continues as walks towards the tank where me and Luffy are in. "of course, you two could always give me my map if you both don't want to die alone in this tank."

"My crew..." Luffy trails off.

"Your crew?" Buggy laughs. "you mean the ones that abandoned you two? just like shanks did and your mom? oh, did that make you two sad?" Buggy says to me and Luffy.

"They will come back for us." I say while shivering slightly. "this high and mighty talk of yours won't last."

"No one's coming for you two. your only chance is to turn over that map, and if you do, I may have a very special place on my crew for you, [name]. Just for you."  Buggy said and I took a glimpse at Luffy before shaking my head.

Luffy glared at him, "you're talking to me, not them. and if you touch them again? I swear you won't see the light of day again." he warns.

The water starts rising causing me to stand up, my breathing starting to get irregular. "We're not giving you the map. never!" I shout.

"Why not?!" Buggy shouts back at me angrily while hitting the glass of the tank, "ah! god!" he clutched his hand tightly before turning to both me and Luffy again. "You're both outcasts, just like the rest of us. freaks, scorned, and abandoned! Join me...and you both can serve the man who will become the king of the pirates." he says.

"When I have that map, I will find the one piece, and then everyone will know my name. and they'll love me." Buggy continues, I leaned against the glass of the tank that was filling up pretty quickly.

"You can't make people love you." Luffy says and interlocks hands with me, "Just like you can't make them smile. I'll never give you that map." he finished.

"Well then...I guess it's curtains for you two." Buggy says and turns on the water, the pressure of it pouring down makes me fall into the water and I feel it enter my lungs.

Everything felt a little hazy— one minute I was there then I wasn't. the water was getting too high so I just attempted to even stop trying, my eyes started growing droopy underneath the water.

"You two want out? you know the price you have to pay." Buggy says, my eyes were starting to close, seawater was my weakness.

the tips of my fingers melted away into a familiar silvery sheen. my nails caught the dim light and refracted it across their strange new surfaces, glinting in a distant way that made them feel almost unreal. further up my arm began to shimmer and take shape too– becoming coated in a metal so steel that it reflected off the glass.

I then went limp, my eyes closing.

. . .

You lay limp beside Luffy, your body completely still. you can feel his worried gaze on you and after a few moments of effort, he managed to make his towards you. his vision is clouded but as it starts to clear, the realization that you aren’t breathing sinks in and overwhelms him with panic and frustration.

"[Name], hey, hey..wake up. come on." Luffy says carefully sits you up, you were still limp— leaning into his chest but still not breathing.

Luffy lifts you up in his arms and carefully pulls you to his chest. "Hey, hey come on.." he panics slightly, feeling no signs of breathing. he feels like the seawater was a bit too much for you.

"[Name], please, wake up." Luffy whispers while patting you on your cheek which was slightly cold. maybe you were using your astral projection? that has to be it.

Buggy was laughing as the lighting turned a dark blue, he holds the map in his hands. he sees Zoro appear and he grins wickedly, "You want a piece of me? let's see what you got."

Luffy grabs a nearby towel to wrap around you, still holding you in his arms. he gently places you back down as he stands up.

"Ah. would you look at that? somebody escaped my tank of doom. well, I'll be back to finish you off. right after I tear apart your sad excuse for a crew." Buggy says to Luffy while laughing like a maniac.

Luffy feels the anger growing inside of him. "You can dump seawater on me, and I'll let it slide. but don't you ever threaten my friends. and don't you ever hurt [name]." he says and stretches his arm, punching a hole right in buggy's chest.

Buggy reattaches his chest while clicking his tongue, "So you want to die first? be my guest." he detached all his body parts one by one.

"Chop-Chop cannon!"

Yeah- you needed to wake up like now.




You open your eyes and see nothing but darkness. you feel a chill that has settled in the air, like fog seeping through the cracks of a window on an autumn night. An eerie feeling creeps over you as you realize that all around there is nothingness– no walls or floors, only complete emptiness stretching further than your vision can reach. everything is so still and silent it almost feels alive, yet at the same time strangely oppressive; suppressing even the tiniest bit of noise from escaping its somewhat powerful grasp.

Everything was dark, nothing was here for you— nothing at all.

"Hello?" you called out curiously, the ground underneath you felt ruff and like rubber.

then, something drips down your face. this causes you to look up at wherever it was coming from, water? wait- water?

Realizing it now..In the dark abyss of the sky, you felt stuck in your own mind. looking up, you could see an ocean of water suspended above you– a vast and overwhelming presence that seemed to stretch on forever. despite the darkness around you, this dreamlike aquatic scene glowed with its deep blues and greens that shined like diamonds in the night sky. for what felt like eternity you watched as soft waves caressed one another with gentle grace before slowly evaporating into nothingness.

"Where am I..?" you whispered and it echoed, it was like an emptiness but with life.

then you felt a shiver run through you, it was so dark— there was nothing you could see but a red light in the distance.

The sound seemed to come from afar, but as it grew louder and more insistent you felt the sensation of a distant bell right in your ear. It was like a calling just for you, echoing down an endless tunnel until even physical walls could not contain its intensity. your head rang with a strange tremor and hum that only you could hear, beckoning you forward into some unknown space.

"Hello? anyone?" you called out again and wandered off further into the abyss.





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