Chapter 8

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~ Three months later ~

Taylor POV

It's December and tomorrow it's my birthday. I can't wait to celebrate it with my friends. A lot of happened since 3 months. I disappeared from the big public and fans after what happened at the MTV Awards. I was only at home. I invite my dearest people to my home. And I never went outside. And so far so good.
'Tay, what are we going to do tomorrow on your birthday? ' Danny asked me when he was standing in my kitchen.
I turn around and I'm looking at him.
Yes, Danny is here for my birthday party tomorrow and I can't wait to spend it with him and my friends. My friends will finally meet him.
And no we are not dating yet to each other. But we became very close friends after that lunch 3 months ago. But secretly I have feelings for him. But I don't know if I can say it to him. Because he has already a girlfriend named Anne. He talks a lot about her. Sometimes I feel a bit jealous. And when I see a picture I immediately have a weird feeling about her.
'Well my friends are coming over here ' I replied with a smile.
'Cool I can see finally your friends '.
'Yes! They will love to meet you and finally find out which guy has helped me to move one and focus on the music ' I laughed.
Then Danny his phone went off.
'Sorry I have to take this ' He said to me and pointed at his phone.
I nodded. Danny left the kitchen and started to speak into his phone.
I'm wondering who it is.

10 minutes later he came back into the kitchen. I was on my phone watching some posts of fans on Instagram.
'Good or bad news? ' I asked him.
'Well it was my sister she asked and told me something about Anne ' He replied.
'And that is? '.
I look curious to Danny. We are still standing in my kitchen.
'Nothing except she is posting something weird on Instagram' He told me.
'Oh what's her name I'm going to look ' I said to him.
I grab my phone.
Danny told me her name on Instagram and I found her.
And indeed she just posted a picture of her.
But my mouth went wide open when I saw her newest post.
A picture of her wearing a very short shirt, you can almost see her boobs and I read the text under the photo ' Look at my girls '.
'Danny this isn't good ' I showed him the picture.
He stared at the picture and then he looked at me.

Danny POV

Taylor got it right. This isn't good. Or right.
She can post anything she wants but this is looking like she needs attention from a man.
I don't want to have a girlfriend who is selling herself on the internet.
I was staring at Anne her last post.
' If this is my girlfriend I should have a very good talk with her. Posting like this ' Taylor said to me.
I sighed.
'Indeed true I will talk to her after your birthday ' I replied.
' Okay, so now are we going to finish the song? 'Taylor asked me.
Then I smiled.
'Yes  '.
Later me and Taylor went to her music room and we finished the song. Then we decided to sing along together with the last chorus.

What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you?
And what am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay?

After 3 minutes Taylor was so excited in this song.
'You should record this with the band Danny ' Taylor said excitedly to me.
She was leaning against her guitar. I sit next to her with one of her other guitars.
I look surprised.
'Really? I mean you can record it too? 'I said surprised.
Taylor laughed and shook her head.
'I'm already secretly busy with writing songs so this one is for you guys '.
'Aww thank you Tay ' I put the guitar softly on the chair, and jumped off the chair, and gave Taylor a hug.
' I will let the guys know that we have a new song 'I said immediately. I grab my phone out of my pocket and text the lads that we have a new song. A new song called Breakeven.

Taylor POV

The next day it was my birthday and Danny stayed over until today and then he flew back to London to record the new song called Breakeven.
'Happy birthday to you '
Happy birthday to you'
Happy birthday dear Taylor '
Happy birthday to you '

I see my mother coming into the living room with a birthday cake with a few candles on it.
And then I look around. My friends Selena, Demi, and Abigail are here, just like my parents and my brother Austin and of course Danny.
Then my mother put the cake just in front of me on the little table.
I sit down on the ground.
'Blew the candles Taylor and make a wish ' Austin said with a smile.
'What's your wish? 'Abigail asked me.
'I can't tell you because then it will not come out 'I laughed.
'That's true keep it to yourself 'Danny winked at me.
I was thinking of something. Then it reminds me of a wish.
I want to come back on stage with new songs and no one is going to take me down on the stage.
And then I blew all the candles off. And hoping that my wish will come true. 

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Where stories live. Discover now