Part 8

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"That had to be traumatizing to see your mother kill your father. All because her best friend crosses the line," Paul replied.

"You have no idea." You said with a shrug of your shoulders.

Paul stopped walking and grabbed your hand, pulling you toward him. He put his hands on either side of your face. You let out a shaky breath as you looking into his dark brown eyes. The singer leaned forward and kissed your lips as he gripped you by the face. You groaned and grabbed his jacket, pulling him closer to you. For a few minutes, it felt like only the two of you in the mall, as the two of you timidly kissed each other.

The guitarist pulled away and looked around with a small smile on his face. He grabbed your hand and kissed it before the two of you walked again. Paul pulled you into a fancy dress shop, and you immediately stopped in your tracks. He turned and looked at you, making his smile quickly fade away.

"Why are we in here? I can't afford anything in here," You whispered.

"I want you to pick out a new wardrobe. I saw what you came in with and it's not to my liking. Money doesn matter to me and Ill need new summer clothing soon, anyway. You have thirty minutes Y/N to find something before I meet you in the dressing room." Paul replied sternly.

You turned around to see two sales women waiting for you with a big smile, as one glanced back over at Paul. Seeing his gaze only on you when you looked back sent shivers down your spine.. You nodded your head and then turned, following the two women to the ladies' department area of the store.


30 Minutes Later

You were in the dressing room trying on a black cocktail dress when a knock sounded at the door. You sighed, knowing exactly who it was and opened the door. Paul smiled at you as you looked him up and down, seeing him in a black suit with a red tie. He let out a low whistle and grabbed your hand, spinning you around as he looked at you in the dress.

"My god you look stunning in this dress. I want to take you out and show you off," Paul said.

"You go out on the town? That doesn't sound like you." You replied.

Paul leaned forward and kissed your lips, silencing your thoughts immediately. You nuzzled the singer back and looked around, seeing the sales clerks smiling at the two of you. The singer grabbed your hand and pulled you back into the dressing room, locking the door behind him. He raised his eyebrows at you and then took a seat on the bench.

"Whats on you mind, Paul?" You asked.

"Do you want to be with me? After this interview is done, I mean, do you want to stay with me and see if we can have that future you keep dreaming about?" He asked.

"You want to be my boyfriend?" You asked, turning around to look at him

What the singer said next took you by surprise and you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes as he continued to speak.

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