Part 3

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Present Day

"So it was hate at first sight, not love?" You asked

"There's still a love/hate relationship. Gene loves me and I hate him." Paul replied, replied, flashing a devious smile

"So who turned who? Were you a normal guy and Gene the vamp, or vice versa?" You asked, looking up from your notepad.

"Let's talk about you for a minute. Do you have a lover or are you by yourself? Children?" He asked

"The interview is about you, not me. Mr. Stanley, can you just answer my question?" You said with a sigh.

He stood up and walked over to you, brushing your long hair out of your face. The singer's perfectly manicured nails brushing across your cheek before Paul grabbed your chin and lifted your face up to look at him in the eye. Green eyes focused on brown and you felt your lips moving closer to the guitarists. He smiled and pulled away before pulling up the chair next to you.

"You want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you, hmm my dear?" Paul asked

"Maybe is that a problem or do you have a rule on that too?" You snapped.

"No, my last lover was a mortal, and she had Evan, my 25-year-old, who is half and half, but she found being with me too hard and left. Evan lives in New York and his mother I haven't seen in fifteen years." Paul said.

"So kiss me then. I would never leave you high and dry," you whispered

"Oh, very tempting, my dear, but let's finish our meal first. It's getting late, and you look exhausted," Paul replied

"I will break you Mr Stanley," you said grabbing your wine glass

"I saw how you broke me in your dream. Believe me, dear, I'm not that easy. I spent half my life alone except for the band. I don't fear loneliness," he whispered

"Fine, tell me how the next meeting with you and Gene went. Then maybe over dessert. I can tell you about my love, life," you said, taking a drink

"Well, it's simple, really. He's fucking relentless and two weeks later fate and a wanted ad brought me back to his doorstep," Paul said, folding his arms in front of him on the table..

You grabbed your tape recorder and pressed record waiting patiently for the singer to tell his next tale with the bassist and the formation of the band hoping something more interesting would take place for the two of you other than the king of the nighttime world going on and on about his life in and out of KISS.

"Wait, a second!!! You saw my dream how?" You asked, switching off the recorder.

"Part of being a vampire baby. You've got some slutty ideas about me and have for a while," Paul said with a smirk

"I need to excuse myself for a moment," you said, standing up

"Wait, I'm sorry. I was just teasing don't leave," Paul said

"I just need a breather," you replied, walking away

You left toward the stairs when you felt an arm grab you and spin you around. Paul jerked you toward him and slammed his mouth against yours with so much passion you had to grab on to his muscular arms to steady yourself. His fangs cut your bottom lip, and he quickly pulled away, running a hand through his black hair.

"Damn you, woman! What are you doing to me?" Paul said

"The same thing you're doing to me is driving you fucking crazy. How did you expect me not to be attracted to someone as hot as you?" You exclaimed.

"You're just as hot, but sweetheart, I'm a mother fucking vampire. You can't love me. I'm a monster!" He screamed back.

"Give me a chance to prove to you I'm not like everyone else. I'm more than a reporter and a fanatic, Paul. Please, just give me a chance," you said, touching his face

You put both of your hands on his face again and kissed him gently before walking up the stairs, suddenly feeling super emotional at the encounter with the singer. You walked to your room and gently shut the door, collapsing on the bed as tears streamed down your face.

"Why can't he love me" you said to yourself

"I don't want to hurt you," a voice said in your mind

"What in the actual fuck was that?" you said

"Perks of being a vampire baby girl, go to sleep," Paul's voice called through your mind again

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