Why Do You Have a Flying Car?!

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(In the evening, as Harry is asleep in bed, he hears what sounds like a car engine outside. Waking up and putting on his glasses, he gets out of bed and walks to the window. Looking out the window, he sees a strange object moving through the sky. As he looks, the object appears to be a shooting star, before turning into two beams of light. A turquoise Ford Anglia car flies to Harry's bedroom window, then turns to the right as Harry and Hedwig silently watch. In the Ford Anglia is Ron, accompanied by his older twins, Fred and George.)

"What the-" James starts, absolutely confused. 

Ron: Hiya Harry. 

Harry: (surprised to see his friends) Ron, Fred, George, what are you all doing here?

Ron: Rescuing you, of course. Where's Emma?

Harry: Uh... she doesn't sleep in this room. 

George: (impatiently) Go get her then!

(Harry races out of his room as quietly as possible and creeps down the stairs to wake up Emma. They burst back into Harry's room, Emma already dressed.)

Harry: I still don't get why you were already wearing normal clothes. 

Emma: What can I say? I've been waiting for this day for ages. What took you boys so long?

Fred: (shrugs) Sorry. 

(Eventually, Harry has gotten dressed, packed his Hogwarts trunk with some clothes, his books, pajamas, uniforms, and all other necessities, shuts it closed, and locks it. Emma is already ready, all her necessities packed into her backpack and holding her pet owl's cage.)

Ron: How come you barely have anything, Emma?

Emma: I'm not in Hogwarts yet! (She climbs into the Ford Anglia.) Hurry up, Harry!

Harry: Take my stuff will you? (Pushes his belongings into his sister's arms)

Emma: (sarcastically) Thanks a lot.

(Harry starts to get into the car, before Hedwig hoots loudly, alerting him that he had almost forgotten her.)

Harry: I've forgotten Hedwig! 

Vernon: (waking up) THAT RUDDY OWL!

Dudley: (coming out of his room) What's happening?

Vernon: Potter!

George: Go, go, go!

"Oof, the urgency."

Dudley: Dad, hurry up! (camera shows Vernon struggling very much to get out of bed)

(Harry picks up Hedwig's cage.)

Ron: Come on.

Fred: Come on.

Ron: Come on, Harry! Hurry up!

"You just said 'come on' way too many times."

"It was only three!"


(Vernon opens Harry's door just as Harry is about to climb out and into the car)

Vernon: Petunia, they're escaping! (he grabs Harry's ankle)

"Stating the bleeding obvious," Emma mutters to herself.

Harry: Aah!

Emma: Get your hands off him, you big meat loaf!

Giggles can be heard in the Great Hall.

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