40. Dinner Party

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ANTHONY CAME DOWN the stairs, smart clothes on. "Are our guests here yet?" He asked. "Nope," Cassidy called out as she walked through the house in a white satin dress.

"Adeline, go into the drawing room until dinner," she urged the small girl who'd been running wild outside. "Is Micheal coming?" Adeline hummed. "Oh my, Adeline, what is it with you and Micheal?"

"I like him, he's nice. He's handsome too," The little girl smirked.

"Well he's married."

Wow, practice what you preach Cassidy.

"And you're five."

"Whatever," Adeline chimed, slipping away. Cassidy didn't realise how accurate her first sentence was and that she should probably listen to her own advice.

A loud knock sounded at the door and one of the maids rushed to open it. "Mr and Mrs Gray," she bowed her head, letting them inside. Gina smiled smugly, a hand on Michael's chest. He held a bottle of champagne and handed it to Cassidy, leaning in and placing a 'friendly' kiss on her cheek. "Mr James," he nodded to Anthony who smiled at him. "It's a pleasure to meet you,"

"No, the pleasure is mine." Micheal corrected him, taking Gina's coat and passing it to a maid.

"It's designer, be careful." She spoke, her accent strong.

Michael watched as Cassidy rolled her eyes at the blonde woman and crossed her arms. "Adeline," She shouted. The small girl soon came running. "Micheal," she sang, looking at him and Gina. Gina smiled at the girl but frowned, recognising her in some way. She brushed it off and greeted Adeline with a small smile.

"Come on," Adeline urged, grabbing Micheal's hand and dragging him to the dining room.

Anthony chuckled at his daughters behaviour and followed them in.

"Food will be ready soon," Rose said.

"Then, let's drink while we wait. Whiskey, Mr Gray."

"Yes, whiskey is fine."

"And you, Mrs Gray."

"Champagne would be great." Gina said, pulling a chair and sitting down beside Micheal.

"So, Mr Gray-"

"Please, call me Micheal."

Okay, Micheal. America, how was it?" Anthony asked, pouring the drinks. "It was..eventful." Micheal said , leaning back. "Yeah, you lost the company quite a bit of money, didn't you." Cassidy remarked, waiting for him to react.

"Er..yeah. Things happened."

"Well, other than that did you enjoy your time there?" Anthony questioned, noticing the strange vibe in the air. Micheal cleared his throat. "Yeah..it was nice. New York is a great place."

"I've always wanted to go to New York, haven't you too Cassidy?" Anthony turned, involving her.

"Yes..but how I see, my desires for the city have seemed to die down since i've seen what type of people live there," she said, referring to Gina.

"Sorry?" Micheal asked.

"Nothing," Cassidy tilted her head, sipping from her glass.

Anthony cleared his throat. "Rose, the food?"

"Yes, it'll be on the table in five minutes."


There was an awkward silence as they all sat eating. Micheal and Cassidy stealing glances of each other every now and again. Gina looked up, thinking of conversation.

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