Whatever Couples Do! ʕ•̫͡•♡

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"Wait let me see it"Y/n said

"NO!"Yelled Chisato as Y/n slowly walked over to her on her bed

"S-stop Y/n don't come any closer"Chisato warned

"Like that'll stop me from doing what I want"Y/n said with a large grin as he proceeded to purposely walk towards Chisato slowly to tease her

"Y-Y/n I-if you do this I'll be forced to take actions and I'll be mad at you" Chisato said shaking

"Shut up and stay still"Y/n said as he slowly climbed onto Chisato's bed making her shift back a little bit before she could move away Y/n pinned her down by her waist making her squeal

"Y/n stop"Chisato said using her hand to cover her face as Y/n used his hand to push her hand away from her face revealing her blushing face

"Geez you're blushing so much,hold still it's not like it'll hurt much after all this isn't your first time"Y/n said as Chisato looked away trying to avoid eye contact with him

"But it's still embarrassing how much I'll scream"Chisato mumbled

"Idiot,then don't go getting yourself hurt"Y/n said as he dipped a piece cotton wool in alcohol and pressed against the small cut on Chisato's forehead as she screamed

"Ahhhhh it hurts, Y/n you jerk" Chisato Yelled as she smacked Y/n continuously as he just continued to clean the injury she had on her forehead and apply a littte band aid.

"There! all done wasn't so hard now was it"Y/n said as he kissed Chisato's forehead making her blush. Y/n slowly leaned away

"Stop running around the house next time"Y/n said scolding Chisato, She hit her head while running around the house playfully hence leading to their current situation

"I won't run around the house if I wasn't so bored, you're boring you lame boyfriend" Chisato said blowing a raspberry at Y/n making him sigh

"Fine what do you wanna do then?"Y/n said making Chisato's eyes light up as he flinched at how fast she jumped onto him hugging him tightly

"Really?we'll do whatever I want?"Chisato asked with a large smile on her face

"Oh boy, I feel like I'll regret this" Y/n said to himself


"Y/n over here"Chisato said pulling Y/n over to a cotton candy stand

"Two cotton candy please" Chisato said as the man handed her the cotton candy she looked over to Y/n making the boy sigh as he reached into his pocket and payed the man they both walked away as Chisato proceeds to munch on the cotton candy Y/n just looks over at her expectantly making her raise her eyebrow at him

"What?"Chisato said

"Give me one"Y/n replied

"No if you wanted one you should've bought then"Chisato said

"What do you mean Chisato?! You literally have two so give me one"Y/n said trying to reach for the cotton candy but Chisato pulled away

"No I'm gonna eat both of em"Chisato said

"Fine have it your way"Y/n said as Chisato paid him no mind and continued to eat the cotton candy with no intention of even sharing it with her boyfriend

"I'm going home"Y/n said

"You can't do that"Chisato said as she swallowed the cotton candy

"Urm,yes I can you don't own me"Y/n said

"Well I'm your girlfriend so I believe I do"Chisato said making Y/n annoyed

"Shut up you monkey girl! You're so infuriating"Y/n said

"Eh?! What was that sounds like you're looking for a fight"Chisato retorted starring daggers at Y/n

"I'll take you on anytime short stuff"Y/n taunted

"Did you just call me SHORT!" Chisato Yelled getting the attention of everyone in the park

"You think raising your voice will make me scared ya little imp"Y/n said making Chisato more angrier

"Let's take this outside"Chisato said grabbing Y/n's shirt collar

"Get your hands off me I'm not gonna fight you"Y/n said as he swatted Chisato's hand off him making her even angrier as she goes straight for his face with a punch but Y/n's reflex was way too sharp so he effortlessly dodged it

"I-hate -you"Chisato said as she tried to punch him as he each word come out of her mouth but Y/n dodges her punches easily

"You're a 100 years too early to hit me"Y/n smiled enraging Chisato even more

"Arghhhhh!" Chisato screamed as she charged at Y/n but he didn't even dodge he just took it straight to the gut this time and it kinda hurt but he didn't let it show as he wrapped Chisato in his arms and hugged her she tried to pull away but he held her tightly

"Let me go"Chisato said

"I'm sorry, I was just messing with you"Y/n said smiling at Chisato warmly,like the simp that she is Chisato immediately started to blush at how handsome he looked

"Idiot"Chisato mumbled as she buries her head in his chest as they stood like that for a couple minutes before he noticed Chisato had fallen asleep in his arms

"This girl, she eats a lot moves a lot and sleeps a lot what an idiot"Y/n said as he smiled at her and carried her on his back as he started to walk back home with her on his back. Chisato opens an eye to peek at him as she smiles and closes her eyes again and continue to pretend she was asleep so Y/n would carry her home

"I'm so glad I met you, I just want us to be like this forever"Chisato thought to herself as she slowly drifted off to sleep due to how comfortable Y/n's back was for her.


At least for now till I think of something new...........................

Lycoris recoil: (chisato x male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz