Part 84: Wrong

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So I'm going out of town for a day and a half this week, but it's not on Sunday so this part is still going to be up at the usual time.


9: 10 A.M.

Satori P.O.V.

Sora and I roll up to the front gate of the school in the black limo, after a very strenuous and exhausting game of what I like to call: How fast can we hit each speed bump while Tori tries to change into a school uniform two sizes too tight.

The two sizes too tight is my fault since I didn't bother to get fitted for a new uniform at the start of the year saying my old one fit fine, and then grew some and had a growth spurt on top of the growing. 

Either way, the only reason the student body can't see my buttons straining across my ribs is because of the stupid blazer that is not comfortable on my wings and my tie. My hair is tied up in a bun since I didn't have time to brush it this morning and Sora's is pushed back by a black silk headband.

I hold my breath and sink down in my seat despite the darkened windows as my stomach turns over, threatening to spill my breakfast all over the backseat as the driver talks quietly to the teacher standing by the gate.

After a few minutes of not knowing whether I'm going to be sick or not we roll through the gates as and right up to the front door. I slip out first, ducking low as I wave to the driver in thanks, scurrying into the building before anyone can see me. 

I quickly kick off my sneakers and shove them into my little locker and after pulling on my school shoes I manage to hide my English essay and close the door right as Sora turns the corner "Thanks for the ride, I got to go now!" I yelp quickly racing down the hall as Sora simply arches a brow at me

Once my heart stops racing and I finally slow down I check my schedule, and the time and groan realizing I have English right now and I passed it three minutes ago. So I turn around and back track, this time dragging my feet for the entire trip trying to make time go by faster so I can just miss this class all together, but despite my efforts I make it to the class at 9: 26 and resign myself to sliding the door open as quietly as possible.

"Miss Takami, your late." The teacher snaps "Care to explain why?"

"I was being interview by the police as a key eyewitness?" I say sheepishly, still standing in the doorway.

"Really? What did you witness?" She hums cleaning off her slim rectangular glasses, connected around the back of her neck a string of fake pearls.

"Classified." I say shortly

"Well I have to say your excuses have gotten more... creative over our time together." She hums "Put your homework on my desk."

"I don't have it, the police confiscated it because they think it has some hidden message in it," I say shutting the door and edging towards my seat only a few feet in front of me, in the back row the desk closest to the door.

"Really?" She asks lips purse incredulously.


"Miss Takami, tell me why the police would think they is a hidden message in your English essay on a children's book?"

"You on multiple occasions has compared my writing to illegible chicken scratch and some untranslatable alien text." I point out, sliding into my chair

She clears her throat as the rest of the class whips their heads back around to look at her "I expect your fully written and legible essay on my desk by tomorrow, and save your outlandish excuses for your creative writing class" She says turning back to the board as I exhale a quiet sigh of relief as I finally am able to shift and open my wings so that I can fold them over the carved in sides of the chair, the one made specifically for my wings and Riku's and Hato's before us, that spends most of its time pushed against the wall in the back of the class.

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