Part 83: Interroga- Interview

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So my little sister is out of detention as of tomorrow, Tuesday, which will have passed by the time this part is posted and as of today my brother's bump has gone down and is just a bruise by this point.


6: 30 A.M.

Satori P.O.V.

I wake up all too early to the sound of screeching as Riku slams into my room and I catch a momentary shout from our dads out in the hall. "THEY KNOW! THEY KNOW! wAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" Riku screams forcefully, pointedly shoving me out of bed and onto the floor between the wall and my bed.

I groan briefly opening my eyes to glare at the dim sunlight peeking through the thin curtains my parents bought in hopes it would make getting me up in the mornings easier. Jokes on them, it didn't work.

"Satori! Come on!" Riku screams.

'Oh yeah, he's still here. I wonder what this is abou-'

I let out a choked wheeze as the wind in knocked out of me, pain exploding across my sleep stiff back as it snaps and cracks under the weight of the pre- teen. Riku just vaulted over the bed and onto my back. 

My eyes rip back open and I feel my wings pull out from my back. I flap them, hard, knocking Riku to the ground, face first as I flutter to my feet before whirling around on him "What the flying fuck, Riku! What the in the hell is wrong with you?" I seethe. Okay I may not be the most agreeable person when I first wake up in the mornings, but I'm not the only one, at least I don't throw people across the room when startled awake like Ari used to.

Riku backs away slowly "Jeez, there's nothing wrong with me. I just thought you'd want to know the cops are here and asking for you, but if you don't..."



"You said the cops were here."

"Are here."


"Maybe they found out about the research we've been doing and are going to take us in and explain next to nothing like they did with Yuni,"

"Or they found out about the trespassing." I hiss under my breath

"... yeah that too."

"We need to warn the others!"

"We need to leave! We can warn the others when we're a safe distance away."

"But they'll be able to tap into the walkies, we won't be able to meet up! We need Hato, he can't have left yet."

"No way. He's in hero training, you think he won't just turn us over?"


"Don't you remember what happened at UA, before the sleepover?"

"Yeah... I guess you'r-" I don't get to finish my sentence because just then a feather flies under the door and unlocks it from the inside. We both freeze before dropping to the floor, my smooth wings puffing up again.

I can practically hear Riku grinding his teeth from here as a single pair of boots walk through the doors "Miss Takami, we would like to talk to you."

Riku takes a deep breath and pops up before I can grab him "And what is the subject for this conversation?" He starts.

"She and her friend are believed to be key eyewitnesses and we need to take them down to the station to talk." They gruff tired voice says and honestly, I understand, I don't want to be awake right now, it's too early, and this blanket is so comfortabl-

flowers of poisonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz