6: Whispers of Veiled Allegiance

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"Nnnnn...!" Aria whined. "That's the fifth time, and we couldn't stop it!"

"Oh, shut up." Sage scowled.

"But we couldn't prevent that murder! God, I feel bad for Cele... She just wanted to help Ron, but it turned into a death." Aria sulked as she looked at the ground.

"We get it. We need to figure out which bomb can blow up the dome and save the participants." Sage gripped Aria's shoulders firmly. "As some guy said, "To err is human, to forgive divine," so there isn't anything wrong with messing up our chances of rescuing people."

"You're all still fixated on blowing it up? I already told all of you that there's a confidential entrance to the school." Bob crossed his arms. "Besides, I'm pretty sure using and constructing an explosive without government authorization is illicit."

"Wait, you told us that? I forgot! I think someone washed my brain while I was asleep last night." Aria chuckled as she looked at a monitor before sighing. "I feel really bad for Lucian."

"Don't you mean Little?" Rylan replied as he turned his head to face Aria. "I don't think he'd like being called that."

"No, because he can't hear us beyond this very monitor. They aren't radios after all." Aria sighed again.

"Jeez, you've never been this down. What the fuck's going on in your brain?" Rylan asked.

"Maybe it's because I told everyone who the-"


"We apologize for the inconvenience those bastardly teenagers caused! Danganronpa will continue now. Once again, we sincerely apologize for the trouble and classified information they revealed. Please clean your brain of that information and forget that."


There was silence when he awoke. There wasn't any chatter outside his door, no one walking, just the ambient light above his head, and his steady breathing filled the room.

A familiar tune played throughout the school as the monitor in Little's room turned on.

"This is an official announcement from Ultimate Hope High! It is now 8 A.M., so get your asses up from your rooms and get into the dining hall this instant!" Monokuma announced as the monitor turned off.

He didn't even flinch a bit. That was before someone started banging on his door.

"Dude, are you up? It's Elio. Open the door right now, it's important matters!" Elio called from the other side.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Little opened the door irritatedly, scrunching his face when he saw Elio. "What is it?"

"There's like, three separate matters to go over, but most important one first." Elio crossed his arms and tilted his head. "Is it fine if everyone calls you Lucian? I mean, knowing your name now, it sort of feels awkward to be calling you an adjective."

He paused for a moment. "Sure. The word's already out, don't say anything about it now. What's the second one?"

"It's the announcement Monokuma made earlier."

"The third?"

"Shuttle lived."

Lucian froze at the news. "He- He did?"


"Can I see him?"

"Sure you can. In the dining hall, dumbass." Elio grabbed Lucian by his sleeve and dragged him. "I know you're impatient, so you better be good at running fast."

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