3: Last Bow's Requiem

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That night, Shuttle had a dream.

Elysium Heights. He was standing in front of the entrance, looking up at the logo.

"This is the start of my new life. As the Ultimate Badminton Champion." He said. "Along with some other people I know, this is going to be a fantastic experience." But suddenly as he entered the building, his vision started to twist and blur. The school fell apart and crumbled to ruins. The walls surrounding the school crumbled as well. When he looked back, the whole world was ruined and in shambles.

Shuttle woke up the next day with a crippling headache. The morning announcement played.

"This is an official announcement from Ultimate Hope High! It is now 8 A.M., which is morning time! Get up out of your beds and let that despair sink in your beautiful morning!" Monokuma announced before the monitor in Shuttle's room turned off.

"Ugh... Did my thoughts really give me that much of a headache...?" He asked himself and groaned in distress as simply speaking made it hurt more. "I can't let this just stop me... I... have to make sure everyone else... doesn't feel this way as well..." He said walking wobbly outside his room and halfway to the dining hall. His vision started blurring and collapsed to the floor.

"Oh god! Someone, help!" Someone yelled before his vision went void black.

Shuttle later woke up in what looked like an infirmary that seemed worn down. Several people surrounded him and his vision finally began to focus.

"Are you okay or something?" Elio asked. "Dude, you're pretty lucky that I'm decent in health. The fee is twenty bucks. Pay up." He nudged Shuttle's forearm gently with a sinister smile. "Just joking. There is no fee."

"You're educated in health-related conditions, right? What's going on with him?" Little impatiently asked.

"I don't know either. I know every single disease, infection, and everything else, but everything Shuttle has matched up to none of them." Elio observed. He looked out a window in disappointment.

"So all that research was useless. Thanks for nothing, Elio." Little crossed his arms.

"Wrong! That research wasn't useless!" Monokuma screamed as he randomly appeared. "It's a disease that is your next motive! It's a disease that will kill anyone infected if someone doesn't kill any sooner!"

"How is that even possible? What is the disease even called?!" Elio panicked.

"It's called..." Monokuma began as he imitated a drumroll, beating his "hands" against the floor. "The Goodbye Curtain Fall Disease! Or for short for lazy students, Curtain Fall Disease. Or even shorter for lazier students, CFD."

"Th-That's by far the laziest name I've heard for an illness!" Eliyen shrieked. "It's an even lazier name than the cold!"

"How is a simple disease a motive?" Ali sarcastically asked.

"It's a motive because the deadline when everyone infected dies! Like, if someone doesn't kill someone else any sooner, everyone's gonna die!" Monokuma cackled.

"That... isn't much of a motive. How long do we all have until that mentioned deadline occurs?" Cele questioned.

"Exactly five days from now." Monokuma said in a monotone voice. "Oh, by the way, all of you are infected. You probably just don't have the symptoms showing yet or are strong and just weakened it."

"How are we all infected already?!" Eliyen screamed.

"Easy! Being in the same room as an infected person without protection such as a mask, or even a hazmat suit if you wanna be that safe!" Monokuma explained as Elio hacked out a cough and sniffled.

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