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In the subsequent days, our press continued to disseminate news and images concerning the September 11th tragedy. Tens of thousands of individuals lost their lives or suffered injuries, and ongoing rescue operations were in progress. The U.S. military remained on high alert. Leaders and citizens from numerous countries worldwide expressed their condolences to the American Government and its people. As of the afternoon of September 12th, the precise casualty figures in the U.S. had not yet been determined, but U.S. officials estimated a potentially substantial loss of life, with the death toll from the Pentagon attack alone reaching 800 people. The number of casualties and injuries at the World Trade Center was estimated to be around ten thousand, while all 266 passengers and crew members on the four hijacked planes perished. Additionally, approximately 300 rescue workers, including 200 firefighters and 78 New York police officers, were either deceased or missing.

The U.S. President classified the terrorist attack as an "act of war." The global Muslim community was eager to convey a message asserting that Muslims were not responsible for these acts of terrorism, emphasizing the need for America to reconsider its foreign policy. The United States was working diligently to address the repercussions of the September 11th tragedy, with the U.S. intelligence and security apparatus operating in a state of heightened alert. President G.W. Bush had issued orders to shoot down suspicious civilian aircraft, and the U.S. was actively preparing for potential military action in Afghanistan. The U.S. had also ordered the mobilization of 50,000 reserve troops as part of its response efforts. Meanwhile, Americans were striving to return to normalcy while the U.S. escalated military pressure on Afghanistan, launching the "Infinite Justice" campaign.

The situation was evolving rapidly in a tense direction. At this juncture, the Vietnamese Government articulated its stance through a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Ms. Phan Thuy Thanh: "We believe that the United States must exercise caution, accurately identify the responsible parties, and take actions that adhere to the principles outlined in the United Nations Charter, international law, and respect the sovereignty of other nations. It is imperative that these actions do not further complicate international relations or cause harm to innocent civilians' lives and property."

Simultaneously, the United States exacerbated global tension by passing the "Vietnam Human Rights Act." Public opinion, both domestically and internationally, unequivocally condemned terrorism and opposed the U.S.'s initiation of war. There was also a widespread demand for the U.S. to rescind the aforementioned contentious law concerning Vietnam. The situation remained exceptionally complex. The U.S. seized the opportunity to implement its strategy, effectively dividing the world into two camps: one that stood against terrorism and, to demonstrate their anti-terrorism commitment, supported the U.S., and another that did not. Supporting America was equated with opposing terrorism. Nevertheless, humanity inherently aspired for peace, and even in the pursuit of eliminating terrorism, it was imperative for the United States to uphold the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter and international law when taking retaliatory measures against terrorism.

Ten days after the September 11th catastrophe in the U.S., the press continued to focus on developments in the United States. By September 20th, rescue agencies had identified 6,333 individuals as missing. The majority of Americans had resumed their daily routines. Addressing both houses of Congress, the U.S. President addressed the September 11th disaster, announcing his intention to employ "all necessary means" in the global campaign against terrorism and calling upon the U.S. military to be prepared for action. The U.S. war apparatus was operating at full throttle, with U.S. military forces deploying to the Gulf region. America was forging ahead with war plans without fully contemplating the potential dire consequences, even as demonstrators called for restraint and avertance of brutal retaliation. The U.S. intensified its approach toward Afghanistan.

EXPLORING THE UNITED STATES AFTER THE 9/11 TERRORIST ATTACKS - Phạm Việt LongWhere stories live. Discover now