let me help | p.p.

Start from the beginning

"yes, daddy, i know."

"good then, go on," he cooed.

y/n scampered back up to her room, focusing the best she could on her studies, crying quietly to herself.


"heyyy, angel," peter grinned as he slid into the seat next to her, laying a kiss in her hair. "how's your day been?"

"hi, pete. it's okay. how about you?"

"perfect, because now i'm with you."

"gosh, you're so dorky."

"maybe. but you love it," he brushed his hand over her arm, the same spot as the burn. she flinched slightly, but he didn't seem to think much of it. the long sleeves she had been wearing were irritating the spot, and she wanted nothing more than to roll them up.

thank god her father never hurt her face. her face was her trophy. her father's trophy. nothing but a prize to show off, a pretty face. because that's what she was. a pretty girl with a pretty face. and y/n hated it. always looking her best for her father's weatherman reputation.

a little bit of sunshine goes a long way, he would say, every morning before he signed off.

she feigned a sigh of annoyance, "yes, i suppose i do."

"how do you feel about a star wars movie marathon at mine tonight?"

hesitating, she shook her head. "i can't. family things. rain check?"

"all good," he reassured. "another time, then."

y/n opened her mouth to come up with a better excuse, but the teacher had already begun talking.

she had paid no attention to her teacher, nor the lesson at hand. y/n tried to imagine what it would be like if another child were in her spot.

would they tell? run? not say anything? ask for help?

because she didn't plan on doing any of those things. y/n had decided all she needed to do was ride out the rest of senior year. and then... well, as smart as she was, college didn't mean anything to her. you go to school, go to school again, and then one more time, only to go to another bigger, more harder school?


after this year, she'd leave it all behind. everything. yes, sometimes it hurt her heart thinking about a life without peter, especially because they'd already started planning their lives together. but then y/n would tell herself that it'd be worth it. she'd be free.

nobody's trophy, nor pretty face. not a figurehead, nor a name.

she'd make a life for herself, being value to her name.

and the best part?

y/n would be safe.

away from the man she called her father.

she flinched as the bell rung, not realizing that the period had flown by so quickly. and before she could even stop herself, "actually, peter? i think i might take you up on that offer."

and the boyish grin he sent her in reply had made everything worth it.

might as well savor what i have left. 

the pair walked hand-in-hand, laughing and talking all the way to peter's house.

"no, no," peter wheezed out between laughs, "i'm telling you, you'd look amazing in bright purple hair!"

"and what about you? fucking red and blue or something?" she retorted back, giggling at the image in her mind.

he tensed slightly at her words, not something she really paid attention to, as they made themselves comfy on his couch, readjusting their cuddling stance. may was out for the night, pulling some extra shifts, just because she wanted to, being the kind woman she was.

peter parker/tom holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now